Clergy Discipline Measure (CDM)

Tribunal Penalties

Revd Simon Lumby

On 25 April 2022, the nationally convened Bishop’s Disciplinary Tribunal for the Diocese of Leicester announced its penalty of prohibition from ministry for life on Revd Simon Lumby, former parish priest of St Aidan’s Church, New Parks, in the Diocese of Leicester from 2006 – 2020.

The Tribunal Panel unanimously found the allegations proved, that Revd Lumby had breached appropriate and professional boundaries and were satisfied that his conduct was unbecoming and inappropriate to the office and work of a clerk in Holy Orders and was an abuse of authority. 

It is vital to note that the Tribunal made an anonymity order, a legal ruling which means that the victim in this case must not be named by anyone.

We are aware that this matter may be distressing and anyone who feels impacted by this is encouraged to approach us for support by contacting any of the following: Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser Rachael Spiers on Rachael Spiers (0793 081 9279) or Archdeacon Richard Worsfold (0116 261 5319)

Revd Lumby had voluntarily begun the process to relinquish Holy Orders in 2020 and declined the opportunity to engage with the Tribunal process.

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