
Bishop Martyn reminds us that: "The safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults lies at the heart of all that we are and all that we seek to be in the church." 

Click here to view a video message from Bishop Martyn and Bishop Saju

If you have concerns about a child, young person or an adult who may have been harmed or be at risk of harm, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers for advice and support: Rachael Spiers on or 0793 081 9279. 

The Diocesan Safeguarding Team is :

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Rachael Spiers
M: 0793 081 9279  T: 0116 261 5341

Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Peter Holloway
M: 07930 887984  T: 0116 2615241

Safeguarding Team Administrator - Vacant

Safeguarding Training Officer, Louise Warner
T: 0116 2615383 M: 0772 9628319

Other contacts:

  • Claire Wood, Archdeacon of Loughborough
  • Richard Worsfold, Archdeacon of Leicester 
  • Andy Brockbank, Director of Operations & Governance

Out of Hours Safeguarding Cover

If you need advice about a safeguarding matter out of office hours (evenings and weekends) please call:

Thirtyone:eight tel 0303 003 1111 (Option 2) 

Callers should state that they are calling from Leicester Diocese.

In an emergency (especially if someone is in immediate danger of harm) you should always call 999 and ask for the police.

If you have concerns about the immediate safety of someone please don’t delay in ringing the Police on 999 or Children or Adult Services:

  • Leicester City Children and Adults Services (incl. out of hours for Children’s Services) – 0116 454 1004
  • Leicester City and Leicestershire Adult Services out of hours – 0116 255 1606
  • Leicestershire Children’s Service (incl. out of hours) – 0116 305 0005
  • Leicestershire Adult Services (daytime) – 0116 305 0004

Safe Spaces:

An independent service providing vital support for survivors of church-related abuse. Find out more.

News and Updates

National Safeguarding Standards published

The Church of England has published a new set of National Safeguarding Standards which will enable churches and dioceses identify their strengths and areas for development in respect of safeguarding. You can read more about them and access resources aimed at parishes on the Church of England website.

Diocesan Safeguarding Oversight Group

The Diocesan Safeguarding Oversight Group has decided to publish summaries of their meetings to ensure transparency in how our safeguarding arrangements are scrutinised. The summary of their latest meeting can be read here

Independent Learning Lessons Review published

The Church of England has published the independent lessons learnt review into its handling of allegations against the late Revd Trevor Devamanikkam. Read more here

Redress Scheme

Proposals for a national redress scheme for survivors of Church-related abuse were published by the national Church in June 2023. These aim to include financial payment, therapeutic, spiritual and emotional support acknowledgment of wrongdoing on the part of the Church, apology and support for rebuilding lives.  You can read more by clicking the following link: Church of England national Redress Scheme | The Church of England.

Safeguarding Annual Report

The Diocesan Safeguarding Oversight Group is responsible for overseeing safeguarding provision in the diocese. The Group produces an annual report and the report for 2023 can be found here..

Past Cases Review 2 (PCR 2)

We published the local report undertaken by independent reviewers as part of the Past Cases Review 2 (PCR 2) across the Church of England in October 2022. The review is the largest ever undertaken by the Church into church officer safeguarding matters relating to sexual abuse of children or vulnerable adults. We are indebted to people who came forward to talk to the independent reviewer about their experience of how church related abuse was handled.

Find out more here:

- The Bishop of Leicester has issued this video message: Click here to view.

- Announcement of the Diocese of Leicester PCR2 Report publication and Action Plan

- Executive Summary of the Diocese of Leicester Past Cases Review 2 Report

- Full Diocese of Leicester Past Cases Review 2 Report

- PCR2 Action Plan which will be updated twice a year to show progress.

 You can read about some of the PCR2 process on these web pages.

Church of England response to the final IICSA Report

The Church of England has published its Response to the publication of the final report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) | The Church of England (20 October 2022). The Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse (IICSA) published its overarching report of the investigation into the Anglican Church in October 2020. The Bishop of Leicester issued a statement in response to its publication. This letter was sent to all parishes in advance of its publication. If it raises emotional or practical issues for you please see various support and resources below, including a new service for victims of abuse, called Safe Spaces.

Survivor engagement

Survivor engagement is about enabling survivors and victims of any form of abuse to have a say and an active role in making the Church of England a safer place for all. Find out more on the Church of England website here.

Complaints: We aim to maintain high standards of safeguarding provision, but if you do have a complaint, you can find the diocesan complaints policy here.

Data protection: The safeguarding privacy notice can be found here.

Support and Helpful Organisations

Support and Helpful Organisations

This page contains help, useful contacts and resources relating to different safeguarding situations. Find out more

Resources for Church Settings

Resources for Church Settings

This page contains resources for church settings including downloadable handbooks, guides and model policies. Find out more.

Training and Events

Training and Events

This page details the different Safeguarding Training Modules that are available, and gives details about how to book. Find out more. 

Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse

This page contains a list of resources and guidance for parishes and individuals regarding domestic abuse. Find out more.

Safer recruitment

Safer Recruitment & People Management

This page has details available to download about the process of Safer Recruitment and People Management. Find out more.

Policy and Practice Guidance

Policy and Practice Guidance

This page contains a list of downloadable documents from the National Church of England and Methodist Church which outline Safeguarding Policy and give practical guidance for parishes and dioceses. Find out more.

Theological Resources

Theological Resources

This page contains links to three theological resources for churches and individuals. Find out more.

Audit and Action Plan

Audit and Action Plan

This page details the safeguarding audit and the resulting action plan. Find out more.

Past Cases Review 2

This page provides information, contact details and resources relating to PCR2. Find out more.

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