Our Diocesan Strategy

Our Diocesan Strategy was approved by Diocesan Synod on 3 September 2024. It is a discernment of what God is saying and doing in Leicester and Leicestershire and how we should respond in the coming years.

The Bishop of Leicester, the Rt Revd Martyn Snow, describes our strategy as "a living document in a rapidly changing world” and so it will change and evolve over time, and will be used to guide our decision making and our allocation of resources.

A summary of our strategy

Our diocesan strategy can be expressed simply, as a series of priorities and desired outcomes, shown in the graphic below.

Download the Diocesan Strategy on a Page

3 Key Questions for Churches and Ministers

Each local church is part of the diocese and accountable to the Bishop – these are the questions the Bishop is asking in order to encourage us all in following Jesus Christ.

  • How are you growing the number of disciples of Jesus?
  • How are you growing in depth of discipleship?
  • How are you growing in loving service of the world?

Through prayer and listening, and in partnership with other churches, each church discerns its own approach. Our ‘holy habits’ are a good starting point.

Download the 3 Key Questions graphic

5 Strategic Priorities for our Bishops and Diocesan Support

The diocesan family of churches has discerned 5 Strategic Priorities which express how we will support churches to answer our 3 Key Questions.

New - REACH those with no contact with church.
Intercultural - LEARN with Global Majority Heritage people.
Intergenerational - BRING TOGETHER all generations.
Reconciling - MODEL peace, justice and reconciliation.
Eco - CHAMPION care for God’s creation.

Read more about our Strategic Priorities

The diocesan family of 320 churches and 97 schools has been blessed with resources – people, buildings, and money. Our priorities will shape the use of these resources in the coming years.
Through prayer and listening, the bishops, trustees and Diocesan Synod will discern how resources are allocated.

With a balanced budget and through the allocation of resources to these priorities, by 2030, we are aiming for 3000+ new disciples, 100 new congregations, an increase in GMH leaders, double the numbers of children and young people, increased confidence in working across difference, a Gold Eco Church award and to be Net Zero Carbon.

Download the 5 Strategic Priorities graphic


To effectively answer the 3 Key Questions and focus on the 5 Strategic Priorities, this strategy aims to tackle the main challenges related to mission, people, and finances.
We have made plans in six foundational areas which will be essential for creating the right environment for our churches and communities to flourish.

  • Vocations and Leadership
  • Finance
  • Church Buildings
  • Safeguarding
  • Minster Communities
  • Diocesan Support and Governance

Read more about our foundations in the full strategy and appendices:

Download the full Diocesan Strategy
Download the Diocesan Strategy appendices


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