The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) is a legally required meeting PCCs. It is often held together with the Election of Churchwardens, and information on both is provided below.
You can find all forms on the Parish Resources website: Click Here
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Key Dates & Rules:
Church Representation Rules for 2025:
- Rule M1(1): The APCM must be held between 1 January and 31 May.
- Rule M1(2): All laypersons on the Parish Electoral Roll are entitled to attend and participate.
- Rule M2(1): The minister must display a notice at the principal door of each church in the parish, as well as in any building licensed for public worship.
- Rule M2(2): This notice must be displayed for a period including the last two Sundays before the meeting.
- Rule M12(1): Election results must be announced as soon as practicable by the presiding officer.
- Rule M12(2): A notice of the election result must be displayed near the principal door of each church and in any building licensed for public worship, in a visible location.
- Rule M12(3): The notice must remain on display for at least 14 days.
Election of Churchwardens 2025:
According to the Churchwardens Measure 2001, churchwardens must be chosen annually by 31 May. The election is held at a meeting of parishioners.
Eligibility Requirements:
Churchwardens must:
- Be baptised and on the parish church’s Electoral Roll.
- Be actual communicants.
- Be at least 21 years old.
- Not be disqualified. (For more details on disqualifications, please refer to the official guidelines.)
Nomination Process:
- Candidates must be nominated and seconded in writing by eligible attendees.
- Each nomination must include a signed statement from the candidate confirming their willingness to serve and their eligibility.
- Nomination papers must be submitted before the meeting begins. If necessary, the bishop’s permission must be granted beforehand.
- If the minister believes a nominee’s election may cause issues in fulfilling their duties, they may elect only one churchwarden, with the other being appointed by the minister.
Meeting of Parishioners:
A "Meeting of Parishioners" for the purposes of electing churchwardens consists of:
- Persons on the Parish Electoral Roll, and
- Persons resident in the parish and listed on the Local Government Electoral Register.
Notices for Election of Churchwardens:
Although the Election of Churchwardens and the APCM are typically held together, separate notices must be displayed for both. These notices must remain displayed for at least 14 days, including the two Sundays before the meeting.
Terms of Office for Churchwardens:
Churchwardens can serve for a maximum of six consecutive years, provided they are re-elected annually. After six years, they must step down unless the APCM has voted to suspend this limit at least one year before the term ends.