Holy Habits

Trees establish deep roots that provide stability, nutrients and water, enabling them to grow.
Holy Habits can help people of faith put down deep spiritual roots, abide in the loving presence of God, flourish and be fruitful.

All these habits are suitable for individuals or groups.


Based on a prayer in the tradition of St Ignatius, Examen is a reflective practice based on three simple questions.

Lectio Divina

A way of reading the bible, where the ‘word’ is received as a gift through which we encounter God.

Morning Prayer

A simple form of morning prayer for individuals or groups.

Centring Prayer

Centring prayer is a contemplative practice that moves beyond conversation to union with the Holy One who dwells within.

A Rule of Life

Many Christian groups over the centuries have ordered their lives around a Rule of Life that enables them to flourish in body, mind and spirit and be fruitful in the world. This outline provides a structure for forming a Rule of Life.

‘They shall be called Oaks of Righteousness, the planting of the Lord to display of his glory.’  - Isaiah 61:3


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