Focal Ministry

Focal Ministers are those who offer spiritual leadership to a local church or benefice. As the shape of ministry changes and Minster Communities form, this might be one of the roles that will support the life of local churches. 

This is an emerging form of ministry. There are a number of people who already effectively fulfil this role and we want to recognise, equip and support them.

What makes a Focal Minister?

They are faithful people who are:

  • Rooted in their community
  • The visible face of the church
  • Fruitful in encouraging the growth of faith and gifts in others.

Who might be a Focal Minister?

A Focal Minister may be an existing lay minister who feels particularly called to their local church and community. Some people may feel called to this role but are not licensed and they may be authorised locally.

What’s the process of becoming a Focal Minister?

The Vocations Team is working with the Lay Ministry Council to clarify the process of discernment and authorisation for focal ministry.

What training and support is available for a Focal Minister?

We are working in partnership with CPAS to develop resources to equip focal ministry and this will be supplemented by local pastoral support groups where shared learning can take place.

For more information please read our Focal Ministry Policy and FAQs.

Raising Awareness of Focal Ministry

We want to identify and encourage those who might feel called to Focal Ministry.
Please consider distributing these resources among your congregation:

Contact if you require printed copies of the leaflet or poster.

You might also consider using the video below in a weekly email or church service:

Download the video.

For further information about Focal Ministry, contact Liz Rawlings, Discipleship and Vocations Enabler:


Focal Ministry FAQs

Information about Focal Ministry.

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