Human Resources (HR) is a wide-ranging area of support which covers all sorts of issues around managing working roles and professional development. Because of the nature of the Church of England, there isn’t just one point of contact for issues that might come under the heading of HR. Instead there is a range of contacts depending on the issue.
These are the places to find support:-
In most instances, clergy will be dealing with their Archdeacon for day to day matters.
Andy Brockbank, Director of Operations ( / 0116 261 5312)
Andy is the HR manager for the diocese and supports the Archdeacons in their work. Clergy are also welcome to contact him directly, and depending on the nature of the query, it may be necessary to inform the relevant Archdeacon. Andy is also responsible for issuing Statements of Particulars to clergy.
Clergy Handbook
The clergy handbook, which is sent to clergy at the time their Statement of Particulars is issued, contains useful information on a range of topics and policies relating to maternity, paternity etc. Any licensed clergy person can request a copy of the handbook (PDF or hard copy) at any time from Andy Brockbank. There is no need to give a reason; you just have to ask.
Bishop’s Lodge (0116 270 8985)
The staff at Bishop’s Lodge organise the two yearly cycle of clergy Ministry Development Reviews and members of the Bishop’s Leadership Team are assigned to undertake these reviews, with a mutually agreed report being sent to the Bishops. Bishop’s Lodge is also responsible for offer letters and announcements for new posts.
Parish Transition and Ministry Development Team (PTMD) (0116 261 5317)
PTMD organises training for clergy and lay ministries (as well as ‘open access’ training and events for lay people involved in serving in their churches), but are also involved in the provision of ministry support to clergy and lay leaders in various ways, for example in coaching, mentoring, etc.
People and Wellbeing Group
This Group meets quarterly. It has been set up to work on ensuring that our structures and processes are organised in such a way as to enable, as much as possible, a diocesan culture in which people can flourish. It will also explore different themes underlying the whole area of wellbeing, both those things that foster better wellbeing and those things that obstruct.
Parish HR
There is no dedicated diocesan HR support service for PCCs as such but parishes needing advice on HR issues relating to staff employed by the PCC may find the following links to external websites helpful:-
The Church Urban Fund has produced a booklet called ‘Just Employment’ which covers a wide range of HR issues. It includes suggested templates for all sorts of letters and forms you might need.
The national Government website has information about employment.
The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) provides free and impartial information and advice to employers and employees on all aspects of workplace relations and employment law.
The professional body for HR and people development, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) may also be helpful.
Parishes which are employing staff as a result of a Growth Fund grant have access to HR advice provided by Croners. Contact Andy Brockbank for more information about this.