Environmental Resources

Environment Guidance

The Church Buildings Team have drawn together various sources of information about the environment and church buildings into a Guidance Note to assist. Recognising that everyone is at a different point on their environmental journey, the guidance aims to cover a wide spectrum, with hopefully something that is helpful for everyone.

Download: Environment Guidance Note

Sustainable Energy in Parish Churches

In February 2020 the Synod of the Church of England pledged to be carbon neutral by 2030. In late 2019 Framland Deanery was awarded a grant from the Rural Community Energy Fund to investigate the feasibility of sustainable energy systems in Parish Churches. 

The Deanery Commissioned Nottingham Energy Partnership together with T4 Sustainability to undertake the study.  In spite of the difficulties caused by Covid-19 work has continued through 2020. The project has now produced a final report which is in two parts. 

The main report ‘Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Our Churches – Framland RCEF Feasibility Study Main Report is an overview and evaluation insulation or sustainable energy systems that churches can install to reduce their carbon footprint.

There are a series of appendices to the main report

Appendix 1: Insulation – Risks and Mitigation

Appendix 2: Organisational Structure of the Church of England

Appendix 3: Delivery Options

Appendix 4: Ty Mawr SubLime Flooring

Appendix 5: MCS Shade Evaluation Procedure

Appendix 6: Consents and Permissions

Appendix 7: Community Engagement

The second part of the report Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Our Churches – Supporting Technical Documenthas a detailed description of an assessment tool that parishes can use to evaluate their own energy usage and requirements.  This is followed by a report of the outcomes having applied the tool to seven churches as part of the consultancy work. 

The assessment tool can be downloaded from Church Energy Assessment Tool

Parishes may find that they need some support and advice to use the assessment tool and to evaluate the findings.  We plan to put on a series of support events around the Diocese.  To begin with these will be done on-line by Zoom but hopefully in due course we will be able to meet in person.  Details of any events will be posted here as they are planned.

If you want to know more please contact:

David Davies, david.ithaca@btinternet.com – 07747 790135 or

Stuart Evans, stuartevans4@gmail.com – 07772 661023.

For more eco resources visit out Eco Diocese page here.

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