Electoral Roll Revision and Renewal

A full renewal of the electoral roll takes place every six years. The next two occasions are in 2025 and 2031.

In the years in between a full renewal year it is only necessary to undertake a revision of the roll. This means that existing membership simply rolls on except where there is a reason to make changes such as new members, deaths, or people who have moved away and now attend another church. When a full renewal takes place the roll is begun again from zero.

There were a number of changes introduced when the Church Representation Rules were updated in 2020. These have been widely publicised and are not reproduced here. You can find the Church Representation Rules on the Church of England website here.

Questions about the Church Representation Rules should be addressed to Andy.Brockbank@LeicesterCofE.org, 0116 261 5312,

The electoral roll process

Notice of the revision of the electoral roll must be given using the form of notice set out by the Church Representation Rules. You must display the notice for at least 14 days before beginning the revision, though this does not stop you from distributing application forms and receiving completed forms in advance.

Forms are available from the Parish Resources website here.

Depending on the size of the parish, you will probably want to leave a period of a few weeks in which people can be informed about the electoral roll and have time to get a form and complete it.

It is fine to put the electoral roll form on the parish or church website, if you have one. You will need a signed copy of the completed form from each person applying to join the roll.

Names should only be removed from the roll if people have ceased to be qualified or if they have stated in writing that they wish to come off the roll.

You need to complete the revision of the roll between 28 and 15 days before the APCM and then publish the roll. The published version will only include people’s names and no other personal data. The PCC can decide how the roll is published, which could be by electronic means or a hard copy on a noticeboard.

The PCC must also make a copy of the roll available for inspection on receipt of a reasonable request. Again, the version available for inspection will only include people’s names.

During the period after the publication of the roll and prior to the APCM, changes to the roll can only be made either

  • To correct an error; or
  • Because somebody who applied in advance of turning 16 has now reached that age.

The version of the roll held by the PCC and which is not for publication must include each person’s address and also their email address, if an email address has been provided on the application form.

The number of people on the electoral roll of the parish must be communicated to the diocesan office by 1 July. You don’t have to send a copy of the Electoral Roll certificate and can simply send a email with the number or communicate it by phone.

Send the number on your electoral roll to:
0116 261 5326
St Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester LE1 5PZ

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