Training and Events

Safeguarding training is an important part of living out our faith. The Church of England, including the Diocese of Leicester, longs for safeguarding to become integral to the very DNA of the Church rather than an appendage, with good safeguarding behaviours flowing naturally and intuitively. Theology, by which we simply mean clear thinking about God and the faith we share, has been interwoven into all our learning and development pathways.

The Safeguarding Training Officer delivers various levels of safeguarding training and promotes the training required by the Safeguarding Learning and Development Framework, 2021, which is dependent upon your role, you may be required to undertake one or more of the Safeguarding Training pathways. Below are explanations of each course and details of how to complete training either online or by booking a training session with the team. 

If you have any concerns about completing safeguarding training, please contact Louise Warner: or call 07729628319

Safeguarding Training Pathways

For more details on each pathway click on the title. To find out which training is required for your role, please consult the Safeguarding training Requirements table. More details of how to book can be found at the bottom of the page

Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal Instructions

How to complete training online:

1. Click on link to National Safeguarding team training portal -

2. Click on create new account if you have not previously registered for one, don’t forget to give the name of your church. If previously registered sign in and go to step 12. (If you have forgotten your password, then you should be able to click the forgotten password link and be sent an email to reset it.) Before registering, you may wish to add to your e-mail account's "safe-senders" list, to avoid missing the verification emails and those sent when you complete a course. If you share an email address, please see point 4 in the Useful Things To Know section below.

3. Choose a username. The username can only contain alphanumeric lowercase characters (letters and/or numbers), underscore (_), hyphen (-), period (.) or at symbol (@). Make a note of it.

4. Choose a password. The password must contain no spaces, it must have at least 8 characters, containing: at least 1 digit, at least 1 lower-case letter, and at least one upper-case letter. Make it something that you will remember.

5. Enter your details as relevant.

6. Choose Diocese of Leicester from the menu.

7. Either choose Leicester cathedral or not involved in a cathedral from the cathedral drop-down menu.

8. Enter ‘not part of training institution’ or if relevant choose the institution that you are training with.

9. Enter your Church/ fresh expression/ context name and location and the role that you have.

10. You can nominate another person to see which training you have completed, just enter their email in the relevant box. This could be your safeguarding coordinator. (The Diocesan Safeguarding Training Officer can see all courses completed by those identified with the diocese.)

11. Once you have completed the information, click ‘create new account.’ You will then be sent an email to check the email address. If you don’t see it check your junk or spam folder. Once you have the email click on the link to complete the set up.

12. Check whether you have nominated your safeguarding coordinator to be able to view your training record by clicking on your name in the top right-hand page of the website and clicking Edit Profile. Under My Organisation Details check if you have an email address nominated in the box next to: Allow a user with the following email address to look at my training record. You can nominate your safeguarding coordinator by adding their email address. Once you’ve added it, click the Update Profile button. You can edit this if the coordinator email changes. The Diocesan Safeguarding Training Officer can already see the training you complete. Safeguarding: Training Portal: About the Site, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (

13. Click on the Online Courses box and choose the relevant course. You can’t complete Safeguarding Leadership Training through the portal, the details for that can be found on the Safeguarding Training and Events page of the diocesan website

14. Complete the relevant module, you can take a break and pick it up again from where you left off by clicking on the course again.

15. Once completed you will get an email confirmation and a link to save/ print off certificate, as you may need to produce it at some point. You can also access any of your certificates by clicking on your name in the top right hand of the page and clicking View Profile. Certificates can be found in the Miscellaneous box, click on My Certificates and you will see them, click on the picture under the File heading to download a PDF. You may have a Downloads box open up and you can click on Open File to open it.

16. Inform your Safeguarding Coordinator/ relevant Ministry course leader that you have completed the training, providing a copy of the certificate for their records. Clergy and authorised ministers need to send a copy to Bishop’s Lodge for inclusion in their personal file.

17. Make a note of the completion and expiry date, courses are valid for 3 years. Entering a reminder in an electronic calendar will help ensure that you keep your training up to date.

Useful things to know:

1. The portal has a help page if you get stuck with something: Safeguarding: Training Portal: About the Site, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). There is also a help desk email address at the bottom of the page if you can’t resolve your issue from the FAQ.

2. If any of your details change then you can edit them by logging into your portal account and then clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner and choosing edit profile.

3. If you need to print a copy of your certificate, click on your name and choose view profile. Certificates can be found under the Miscellaneous heading. Click on My Certificates and then you can download the certificate by clicking the image under the File heading. Certificates will download as a PDF and can then be printed, saved or emailed to someone.

4. If you share an email address for someone then follow the instructions below, which are also on the FAQ page of the portal. If you will be the first person to register on the Training Portal, you will be able to do so at the following address:

If not, you will probably be able to use a technique called "sub-addressing" to help you register a second account:

At the end of the first part of your e-mail address, just before the "@" symbol, add the "+" symbol followed by some alphanumeric characters that will allow you to identify any e-mail messages that may be sent to it, and then continue with the rest of the address.

Please note, Yahoo users will need to use the "-" symbol instead of a "+"

An example: John and Mary Smith share the e-mail address,, and John has already registered an account on the site. Mary would be able to register by adding +mary to give an address of

The account-confirmation e-mail would be sent as usual, allowing the account to be activated without any new e-mail addresses having to be set up.

If the confirmation e-mail doesn't arrive, please e-mail us, ( with the following information and we will either activate the account or create a new one for you:

• Intended e-mail address:
• Name:
• Home Town:
• Diocese:
• Church Town:
• Church Name:
• Role in Church

You can also allow another user (for example, your parish safeguarding officer) to view your training records, by providing the e-mail address that is registered to their account on the Training Portal.

5. If you have completed any Safeguarding Leadership or PTO Safeguarding training in the Diocese of Leicester, it will not show up in your portal record as the course was not completed through the portal. There is a pilot in progress in one diocese where work for the leadership course is completed through the portal.

6. You do not have to complete a booking form for courses you do on the Safeguarding training Portal.

Training Available On The Safeguarding Training Portal

Core Pathways

• Safeguarding Basic Awareness (approx. 75 minutes)

• Safeguarding Foundation Training (approx 90 minutes)

Issue Based Pathway

• Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse (approx. 90 minutes)

Toolkit Pathway

• Safer Recruitment and People Management Training (approx. 90 minutes)

Other Courses

• Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (approx. 60-90 minutes)

Please note that these courses have been updated and can be completed at any time at your convenience. Each course completed on the Safeguarding Training Portal is added to the diocesan database so that we can maintain accurate records and in time be able to send reminders about training.

These instructions can also be downloaded as a PDF here.

Face-to-Face Training

While many people will be able to access online training via the Safeguarding training Portal, some will not and so there will be a face-to-face option available. Dates for face-to-face training can be found here.

Churches/ contexts where there are a number of people that require training and are unable to access it online through the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal can express an interest in hosting training by completing the expression of interest form which can be downloaded here.  

Please complete the form in as much detail as possible to help us to understand your context training needs and return it to It may take time to finalise any training and it may not be possible to grant all requests. This is a new system and will involve learning what will work best and still ensure that we meet the Safeguarding Learning and Development Framework 2021 requirements.

Please be aware that the optimum group size for training is 24 for portal-based pathways. So, it may be worth considering whether there are other churches that you could link with for training and there is space to indicate any possibilities on the form. For any training that is arranged, each course will be given its own code and each individual course attendee will be required to complete a dedicated booking form to ensure that there are accurate records and to allow for certificates to be issued after the course. Where possible the certificates will be issued electronically, as experience has shown that they are easier to keep track of.

Safeguarding Leadership and PTO training will continue to be delivered via Zoom, with occasional face-to-face courses offered within the normal dates for each course. If you have any concerns about safeguarding training, then please contact or 07729628319.

Safeguarding Basic Awareness Training

Basic safeguarding training is essential for anyone volunteering in a Church, Cathedral, and fresh expression or on behalf of the Church in the community. The course can also be completed by church members who would like to develop their understanding of safeguarding. It provides a basic knowledge of safeguarding as a foundation in keeping people safe in the church community whether in role or as a member of a Church. The course is completed online using the Church of England Safeguarding Portal, see the below the boxes for howe to register, and can be completed in your own time.

Basic safeguarding training is also a prerequisite for further training, including foundation safeguarding training and safeguarding leadership training. These courses are for anyone who is working with children, young people or vulnerable adults or in a position of trust. Some people will also need to go on to do Safeguarding Foundation Training.

If you have any concerns or issues about the training then please contact Louise warner, or call 07729628319

Safeguarding Foundation Training

This is a foundation module that builds on the basic awareness course which aims to place safeguarding in the context of the Church and equip participants with knowledge and skills concerning children, young people or vulnerable adults and in knowing what, when and how to report concerns. It is required for anyone who has safeguarding responsibilities or has contact in their church role with Children, young people and / or vulnerable adults. This is a course for lay volunteers and paid staff in roles involving contact with under 18s and/or vulnerable adults. It is also suitable for paid staff members who have only indirect contact with under 18s and/or vulnerable adults.

This training is completed by those holding a license, commission, authorisation or permission to officiate from a Bishop – Ordained and Lay .

The course is completed online using the Church of England Safeguarding Portal, see the below the boxes for how to register, and can be completed in your own time. The training is valid for 3 years, valid Foundation training is required to complete Safeguarding leadership training. The course is reviewed every 3 years, so you do not repeat the same training.

Some people will also need to go on to do Virtual Safeguarding Leadership Training, where they play a lead role in shaping the culture of the Church body concerned. The Safeguarding Training Requirement Table helps with which roles need leadership or PTO training.

If you have any concerns or issues about the training then please contact Louise warner, or call 07729628319

Safeguarding Leadership Training

This is a safeguarding leadership training module that explores leadership in a safeguarding context and is considerably different from previous leadership training. The course now takes 10-12 weeks in total, including time for pre course work, two Zoom sessions and work in between and then follow up.

There are a number of people that must complete the training, including clergy (excluding some PTO with specific training in development) and those who hold the Bishop’s licence or commission: including Readers, Pioneers, Pastoral Assistants, Evangelists. Others will also need to complete the training where they play a lead role in shaping the culture of the Church body concerned, so some who would previously have undertaken leadership training now need to do the basic safeguarding and Foundation Safeguarding training.

You need to provide evidence that you have completed Basic Awareness and Foundation training before completing this course. Dates for the training, course details and a booking form can be found below.

Those holding a bishop’s licence or authorisation are also required to complete the Raising awareness of Domestic Abuse training, see the separate tab. In addition clergy and anyone that acts as a line manager, whether for employed workers or volunteers, or are involved in recruiting then you will also need to complete Safer Recruitment and People Management training, see the separate tab.

If you are not sure whether your role requires you to complete leadership training or if you have any concerns about the training then please contact Louise Warner, or call 07729628319

How to book Virtual Safeguarding Leadership Training
Check the dates and deadlines information. Please note the course reference code for the course that you wish to attend.

- Complete the booking form, including the course reference code

- Return the booking form to

PTO Safeguarding Training

For those holding PTO who do not hold a leadership position which significantly shapes the culture of a specific Church body they minister in; in which case completion of VSLT, Virtual Safeguarding Leadership Training will be required.

The course involves some pre-course preparation/ reflection, recorded in the course workbook, to enable full participation in the discussion-based course. The course handbook will be emailed, where possible on booking, but please be aware that the materials may not be available until the 4 May initially. There will also be some post course follow up required, including watching Exposed: The Church’s Darkest Secret, 2-hour long programmes and a reflection, in the workbook, that will be submitted approximately 4-6 weeks after the session. The course is not complete until the submission has been received and signed off, which is recognised with the issuing of a certificate. The course will last approximately 3 hours and will involve three approximately 45 minute discussion based Zoom sessions, with a 15 minute break between each. Some courses will offer a slightly longer gap between the sessions for those who would find that helpful.

Session 1: Discussion of questions about safeguarding.

Session 2: Theological reflection from a safeguarding point of view.

Session 3: Case studies relevant to PTO ministry.

To see the upcoming training dates click here. To book please complete the booking form, including the course reference code and return to Please note that there are limited spaces for each course, so you are asked to identify more than one possible course. Those holding PTO are also required to complete the Raising awareness of Domestic Abuse training, see the separate tab. If you line manage anyone as part of your ministry or are involved in recruiting then you will also need to complete Safer Recruitment and People Management training, see the separate tab.

If you have any concerns about the training, then please contact Louise Warner,

Safeguarding Officer/ Co-ordinator Induction

We offer sessions for new co-ordinators/ officers, or those that would like a refresher, to help understand the role and the tools available to support them in their role. You can find the dates here. You can book a place by emailing a completing a booking form, see the bottom of the grey box, to

Safer Recruitment and People Management

This training is a Toolkit pathway and explores the scope of safer recruitment and people management procedures in the church context for all paid staff and volunteers and adults. This module is essential for line managers, those who administer DBS checks, safeguarding officers in all church bodies and anyone involved in the recruitment of church officers, which includes employees, elected members and volunteers.

The training can be completed online via the National Safeguarding team training portal - Please allow 1.5-2 hours to complete the training. You will be able to download a copy of your certificate, which you will need to save and also send a copy to your Parish Safeguarding Coordinator , clergy please also send a copy to Bishop’s Lodge.

Successfully completed courses are added to diocesan records on a monthly basis. For those unable to complete training via the safeguarding training portal, there will be face-to-face courses available later in the year. If you require face-to-face training then please email to express an interest and be notified when dates are available.

If you are not sure whether your role requires you to complete leadership training, please consult the table at the top of the page. If you have any concerns about the training then please contact Louise warner, or call 07729628319

Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse

This module focuses on the issues relating to domestic abuse, especially for vulnerable groups and children in the context of adult abuse, and how the Church can respond well to this. The training has been developed with Domestic Abuse Charities.

This pathway is essential for anyone holding the Bishop’s Licence or Permission to Officiate, Spiritual Directors, Pastoral roles, Visitors, Bishop’s Visitors, leaders of children/youth and adult activities and Parish/ Cathedral Safeguarding Coordinators.

Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse Training is available on the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal, and takes approximately 1.5-2 hours to complete.

If you are not sure whether your role requires you to complete leadership training, please consult the table at the top of the page. If you have any concerns about the training then please contact Louise warner, or call 07729628319.

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Training 

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Training can be completed on the Church of England Safeguarding Training Portal, see the top grey box for instructions. It takes 60-90 minutes to complete and on successful completion of the course a certificate is awarded.

Practical Safeguarding Training

We will be offering occasional training on practical aspects of safeguarding to help run activities safely, which is not covered in the other safeguarding training. You can find the dates here.

Useful documents

As part of the commitment to safeguarding being part of the DNA of the church and recognising the role that PCCs have to play in helping that happen the Safeguarding Learning and Development Framework, 2021, requires PCC members to complete basic awareness, foundation and raising awareness of domestic abuse training. To help PCC members understand what training they need to do we have created a document to explain the requirements and how to complete training. You can download the document here.


There are some questions that can arise about safeguarding training, so we have tried to answer them here.

Booking form

To book a place on a training course, please complete the booking form, including the course reference code. Please return the booking form to

If you have any concerns about completing safeguarding training, please contact Louise Warner: or call 07729628319

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