This page contains details about training offered by the Intercultural Communities team, along with other resources.
For more information contact the Intercultural Ministry Enabler Michael Ravuri:
Experiences of Welcome Course
This 6 session course has been produced to help you reflect on what cultural assumptions relating to welcome and hospitality might exist in our worshipping communities. It’s hoped that the reflection that comes from this resource will make our communities places where those who enter would feel like equal and valued partners and participants in our worshipping communities.
'Experiences of Welcome' is designed to support individual or collective reflection. We know that people learn and engage differently, so each week includes a variety of elements, ranging from videos and scripture reading, to questions and suggested worship songs.
Embrace the Differerence - Unconscious Bias Training
Unconscious bias is often defined as a systematic thinking error. It is our unintended people preference; it happens automatically and is triggered by our brain making quick judgments and assessments of people and situations. The diocese if offering training to build awareness to understand what unconscious bias is and why it matters. To understand the impact of unconscious bias at work and the impact it has on your decision making, develop skills to help you recognize and take action to manage bias, create a goal-setting plan to work toward inclusive leadership by managing your unconscious bias.
Embrace the Diversity
Embrace the Diversity training is to enhance awareness of contemporary, systemic, and interpersonal racial discrimination. We aim to delve into the challenges that may impede the development of healthy intercultural relationships and work towards promoting one of the Diocesan's strategic priorities: fostering Intercultural worshipping communities.
In this training programme, you will learn
- some of the language used to discuss racism and anti-racism
- to make the distinction between being 'not racist' and 'anti-racist'
- the roots of racist ideologies and the impact on the Church & society today
- about practical actions aimed at promoting racial unity in the church community
Intercultural Discipleship
What is intercultural discipleship, and what does it mean to disciple people across different cultures? What can we learn from understanding discipleship from the perspectives of people from around the world, and how can this positively challenge what discipleship and growing in faith with others looks like in our churches? A day workshop to practically explore how we can more inclusively journey in faith together and make disciples across cultures.
YouTube Playlist
Check out our YouTube Playlist for all of our video content, including past Global Voices webinars, conversation around everyday faith issues from various global perspectives.
Racial Justice Sunday
Racial Justice Sunday is observed on the second Sunday of February each year. It is an opportunity for all churches to reflect on the importance of racial justice, repent, pray for, and commit to ending racial discrimination, whilst at the same time giving thanks for God’s beautiful diversity.
Find resources for Racial Justice Sunday here.
Culture Kits
These culture kits from Serving In Mission(SIM) are designed to introduce the beautiful diversity in our world, hoping that it will help develop a passion to cross barriers across cultures and love people living and dying without Jesus.
East Africa Culture Kit
Middle East Culture Kit
South Asia Culture Kit