Minor Repairs & Improvements Fund

The Diocese of Leicester has secured up to £148,500 from the Church Commissioners’ Minor Repairs & Improvements scheme to distribute during 2024-2025. 

Grants of up to £5k are available to PCCs (£10k for those within the 20% most-deprived parishes on the Church Urban Fund deprivation index) to support parishes in the upkeep of their buildings by making minor ‘stitch in time’ repairs or to facilitate small improvements to aid the mission and ministry of the local church. The total project cost may not exceed £10k (or £12k where it’s not eligible for the Listed Places of Worship VAT grant). 

It's very much hoped that these funds will prove to be a blessing and an encouragement to parishes, especially where lack of funds and small grants might be preventing a project from getting off the ground. 

Any PCC can make an application provided they have a project that meets certain eligibility criteria but the grant panel will prioritise repairs marked as urgent by Quinquennial Inspection (QI) reports and those improvements that will enable local mission but may not necessarily attract funding.  Examples might include: stonework, rainwater goods, electrical work, and works to improve access to buildings. 

Detailed eligibility criteria, guidance notes and the application form are available below. Completed forms should be sent to: ChurchBuildings@LeicesterCofE.org 

Eligibility Guide 

Notes to Applicants 

Application Form 

Please note that applications are due two weeks prior to the award panel meeting, dates for which can be found here: 

Paperwork Submission Deadline 

Panel Meeting Dates (2025) 

23 January

6 February

20 March

3 April



“This scheme has been very popular and there are now limited funds remaining in the pot. Please note that we anticipate this coming round to be oversubscribed. As outlined above, the assessment process is competitive and will be based on urgency of the works.”

For further information, or if you have any questions, please contact: ChurchBuildings@LeicesterCofE.org or call Ariel Baker on 07943 469685.

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