Minster Communities

Minster Communities are groups of churches and fresh expressions working collaboratively and sharing resources to enable effective mission. Out of a process of discernment, reflection and conversation, about twenty Minster Communities will be formed by 2026.

Watch Bishop Martyn's video, 'What is a Minster Community?'

The aim behind Minster Communities is to establish a sustainable and mission-focused foundation for the worshipping communities across our Diocese. The Minster Communities framework was the product of the Shaped by God Together process and was approved by Diocesan Synod in October 2021. Read more about Shaped by God Together.

Parts of the diocese are at different stages of the Minster Community formation process. Launde became our first Minster Community, officially launched in April 2023. Read about the launch and lessons learned from piloting the process.

Minster Community Resources

Our Resource Hub has links to a range of detailed information about Minster Communities.

Introducing Minster Communities:

For those about to begin the facilitation process:

  • Discussion Starters - These questions and prayer prompts are designed to help your church or fresh expression take stock of who you are and where you have been placed by God. Think about what you could offer to a future Minster Community and what benefits you may gain from joining in partnership with other worshipping communities.
  • Holy Habits - An introduction to the practices of Dwelling in the Word and the Community Examen, tools to keep us open to being shaped by God together.

For those in the facilitation process:

If you would like to speak to the facilitation team directly, email Claire.Bampton@LeicesterCofE.org.

Details of the Minster Communities Framework, as approved by Diocesan Synod:
One Page Summary (.pdf) 
Full Paper Including Background and Context (.pdf) 


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