Reading the Stories (Reading some more stories…)

On Saturday 14 November we are inviting people from across the diocese to a further opportunity to join in to the process of Shaped by God Together.  It is an opportunity to be reading the stories that have been shared and seeking insights from them together.  This is an open invitation - book into the hour long slot that is of interest to you and come to listen and learn together.  All sessions are online due to ongoing government restrictions - no preparation is required.  There are 10 places in each session and we ask that you don’t book on more than two, BUT if you have already taken part in a session elsewhere you are welcome to come again and we will be using different stories.
09.00    Rural Context - reading the stories from a rural context 
10.30   Experience fo Families - reading the stories from families 
12.00   City Context - reading the stories from a city or urban context 
14.00   Digital Church - reading the stories about experiences of online faith and community 
15.30   Social responsibility - reading the stories about how the church has practically met the needs of others
In addition we are holding the following sessions on Tuesday evenings 7.30-8.30pm:
17 November - Stories highlighting Mental Health
24 November - Stories highlighting Chaplaincy
1 December - Stories highlighting accessibility and disability 
8 December - Stories about being signs of hope
These are part of ongoing opportunities, so don’t feel this is the only chance or that these are not the subjects you would want to be talking about.
Places can be booked by emailing to with the name and time of the session you’d like to join and including your Name and Postcode.

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