Janet Arthur gives an update on Ride and Stride 2020:
We now have nearly 250 churches and chapels registered as stopping points for Ride+Stride on Saturday 12 September, which is hugely encouraging after an inevitably late start to the organisation for this year’s event. We haven’t yet followed up churches in Greater Leicester from whom we have not yet heard – partly so as not to intrude during these last difficult weeks of reimposed lockdown – but we will start on that follow-up shortly. Normally we have nearly 400 churches and chapels taking part in Ride+Stride – and it will be wonderful to have more than 300 involved this year, which we are confident we will achieve!
We are asking riders and striders to carry their own pen and hand sanitiser to use when signing Registers, to initial their own sponsorship forms, to wear masks if they enter a church or a chapel, and to take their own food and drink with them. We are expecting that refreshments will not be provided although a tap to refill a water bottle will be much appreciated, where possible. Various churches have offered toilet facilities which is much appreciated so there will be enough loo stops!
The paperwork, with revised guidance for current circumstances, will be posted next week and onwards. The List of Churches and Chapels taking part will not be posted out this year but will be published on our website after 17 August - https://www.lhct.org.uk/ride-and-stride/. This will enable us to update the List as close to the event as necessary – and to make any changes that churches require nearer the time. More churches than usual will be closed for part or all of the day so we hope participants will gain much enjoyment from admiring these beautiful and incredibly varied buildings from the outside.
Andrew Granger & Co have generously agreed to sponsor Ride+Stride for the seventh year in a row, and Turner Insurance Group have once again discounted the Trust’s insurance premium for the event. We are very grateful to both firms for their kind and generous support.
Finally, if you would prefer to use JustGiving for your Ride+Stride fundraising (rather than a paper sponsor form) please go to https://www.justgiving.com/l-h-c-t where you can set up your own page to raise funds, half for your church and half for the Trust. We have a handy guide explaining how to set up your own fundraising page, available from Janet Arthur (contact details below).
A very special thank you to all Local Organisers for their amazing support of Ride+Stride 2020! One Local Organiser sent me this message – ‘In this era of memes, I thought the following might encourage you: “If it’s last minute, that’s usually how long it takes.” All being well, and God willing, we look forward to a very successful Ride+Stride throughout Leicester and Leicestershire on Saturday 12 September.
Janet Arthur – chairman@lhct.org.uk – 0116 279 3995 / 07840 543288