Our Strategic Priorities

The Diocese of Leicester has five strategic priorities, identified and approved by Diocesan Synod in 2024, to which we give particular attention as we pursue the Kingdom of God.

These priorities help us to focus on where to put our energy and resources, giving a framework for how, in our parishes, we seek to live out our everyday faith, grow new disciples, deepen our discipleship, and act in loving service of the world.  
You can find a description of each of the strategic priorities here: 
Intercultural Communities seek to embody the humility of Jesus Christ who spent time with those on the margins of society. 21st Century Britain is now home to people of many different cultures - Leicester more so than many other parts of the country - therefore we are actively seeking ways to welcome, learn from and be changed by people of all cultures. We have received funding from the national church for this work in order that our churches might become 'more diverse'.

Intergenerational Communities seek to live Jesus' instruction to "change and become like little children" (Matthew 18:3). Working closely with our church schools, we are looking at how children and adults can learn from one another and grow in faith together. We are putting more of our own resources into this area in order that our churches might become 'younger'.
New Communities seek to follow Jesus' command, "As you go, make disciples" (Matthew 28:19). Church planting involves starting new church communities (often in areas of new housing); 'pioneering' involves being a Christian presence in community gathering places; 'revitalisation' involves one church helping to resource another in creative approaches to disciple-making. We have received funding from the national church for this work in order that our churches might grow.
Reconciling Communities seek to invite people to be 'reconciled with God' and to embody Jesus' reconciling love in a deeply divided world (and church). This includes our interfaith work (led by the St Philips Centre) and our 'social responsibility' work (e.g. Foodbanks, 'warm spaces', Leicester's Homelessness Charter). It is also supported spiritually by the work of Launde Abbey retreat centre.
Eco Communities seek to work with God in caring for creation. We want to take seriously our calling to be good stewards of the natural world, especially in light of the climate crisis. As with the national church, we are aiming for net zero carbon emissions by 2030, and we have received national funding to help in this work.

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