Intergenerational Communities

Intergenerational Communities are a priority as part of the Shaped By God Together process. We want to inspire, equip, and support local leaders to explore and facilitate intergenerational worship experiences, learning spaces and serving opportunities. 

“Intergenerational ministry occurs when a congregation intentionally combines the generations together in mutual serving, sharing, or learning within the core activities of the church in order to live out being the body of Christ to each other and the greater community”. 
- Allen and Ross, Intergenerational Christian Formation. 

  • How are we intentionally bringing generations together?  
  • How are different generations serving each other and their local community?  
  • Where are we making space for generations to share story and learn from each other? 
  • How are different generations involved in the design and delivery of core activities?  

Becoming more intergenerational… 

Only two generations need to be present for there to be the potential for intentional intergenerational engagement. Even in churches, congregations, and communities without representation from younger generations, there is still the opportunity to embrace, and benefit from, an intentionally intergenerational approach to ministry.
Intergenerational Community is not just about, and of benefit to children and young people, it is about, and of benefit to people of all ages.

If you’d like to explore how to become more intergenerational in your approach to ministry contact Matt Long, our Intergenerational Communities Enabler via 

Further Infomation and Resources

-   Intergenerational Faith Formation (

-   An intergenerational ministry research paper (

-   ‘Our Future is Intergenerational’, a paper by John Roberto

-   A list of intergenerational articles, books, websites, and podcasts (

News and stories of Intergenerational Communities in our diocese

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