Unconscious Bias Training

What is Unconscious Bias?

Unconscious bias (UB) is often defined as a systematic thinking error. It is our unintended people preference; it happens automatically and is triggered by our brain making quick judgments and assessments of people and situations. UB is caused by a variety of external factors such as our background, cultural environment, and personal experiences. Everyone has it, but that does not make us bad; it makes us human. While we cannot completely rid ourselves of unconscious bias, we can learn how to recognize it and lessen its impact in all interpersonal interactions in everyday life or in the workplace.

Biases, conscious or unconscious, are not limited to ethnicity alone. Though racial bias and discrimination is well documented, biases may exist toward and from any social group and personal category. One’s age, gender, identity, physical abilities, religion, sexual orientation, weight, and many other characteristics are subject to bias. Ethnicity, is the particular (not exclusive) lens that we choose to enter this conversation.

What does this training cover?

UB is far more prevalent than conscious prejudice and often incompatible with our conscious values. Certain scenarios can activate unconscious attitudes and beliefs. They cannot be accessed through introspection. Our UB workshops will help you

  • Learn how to interrupt bias and leverage the full potential of all of God’s children
  • Build awareness to understand what unconscious bias is and why it matters.
  • Understand the impact of unconscious bias at work and the impact it has on your decision making.
  • Develop skills to help you recognize and take action to manage bias.
  • Create a goal-setting plan to work toward inclusive leadership by managing your unconscious bias.

Who is this for?

We hope that everyone within the Diocese of Leicester will have the opportunity to participate in a UB workshop, however, this training is primarily being made available to:

  • all licensed, authorised, and commissioned ministers
  • anyone in a senior management role (especially if involved in recruitment), and leading a strategic diocesan project
  • anyone in key diocesan governance body (e.g. DBF, DBE, Bishop’s Council, Youth Council, and any other relevant body)
  • any PCC (especially before the appointment of a new minister)
  • any group, church or team wanting to raise awareness and set actionable goals that would lead to greater diversity and inclusion in their mission and ministry.

How long and how much?

Each workshop will typically run over half a day (3hrs) and cater for up to 20 people at one time.
Costs vary depending on venue and resources.

How can I attend?

If you'd like information about upcoming UB training, contact Dinta.Chauhan@LeicesterCofE.org

Why this training matters

Unconscious bias training is an important first step in developing heighten levels of cultural awareness. This training enables participants to begin to consciously register patterns of behaviours and opinions that are premised on unconscious biases or learned stereotypes. The course provides participants with a lens in order to identify these areas in one’s own life and provides the tools for individuals to assess how to make adjustments. The diocese of Leicester remains committed to offering this training as part of a wider package of training programmes and project initiatives designed to promote racial equality and fulfil its safeguarding commitments. To ensure that churches are places which welcome all and provide a safe environment in which everyone is able to belong and feels free to worship. In acknowledging that unconscious bias training cannot, as a single measure, achieve racial equality; the Church is committed to tackling wider cultural change by dismantling existing structures and practices that disadvantage minority ethnic groups. The dissemination of anti-racism training through web based resources and inter-cultural awareness courses forms an integral part of this work. It is anticipated that these additional elements will be rolled out during the course of the year.


In order to create real change, we need to understand Unconscious Bias as a fundamental social justice issue that gives birth to all kinds of -isms in our society. Awareness alone is not enough to create culture change. Our workshops will not solely focus on concepts and theories that may be intellectually stimulating, but will look at integrating actionable recommendations relevant to each context

An introduction to unconcious bias...

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