Support for Lay Leaders

Lay leadership is equally valued in our churches, schools and fresh expressions of Church alongside ordained leadership, right across our diocese. We want to encourage our churches to help develop the gifts of ministry among all its members.

Here you can find information about:

Lay and ordained ministers all have important roles to play in the Body of Christ, working together to build up the Church and encourage its mission.

Living this vision requires us to look again at the way we train, license, resource and support lay ministers and ministries.

Read more about the Church of England's development of lay ministry, including a new vision for Reader ministry across the country led by Bishop Marty: Developing lay ministries (

Lay Ministers Council 

The Lay Ministry Council represents licensed lay ministers in the Diocese of Leicester.  Its overarching aims are to support lay ministers, advocate for lay ministry in diocesan structures and to shape, monitor and evaluate the diocesan Growing Vocations Policy as it relates to lay ministry. 

In early 2023 the Lay Ministry Council produced a survey to understand the current experience of lay ministers in the Diocese of Leicester.  A separate survey was sent to all incumbents to gain a clergy perspective.  The results indicated the wide-ranging contribution lay ministers make to the life of the diocese and the positive experience of lay and ordained ministers working together in effective teams.

Support for Authorised Lay Ministers in the Diocese of Leicester

Continuing Ministry Development



Spiritual Direction

Women's Ministry Group

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