The Enabling Giving Programme

Giving as Discipleship

We are all called to be Shaped by God in living out our faith and embracing our calling to build God’s Kingdom here on earth. Our giving is therefore first and foremost not a matter of practicality, but part of our everyday faith and discipleship – our journey of following Jesus. 

"Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.“
2 Corinthians 9: 7-8

What are the aims of the programme?
• To support churches by offering three tools, the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), online giving and contactless payment devices to enable churches to develop and improve giving and help them become more financially resilient. These tools will support them with methods of improving income, both now, while most churches are closed and into the future.
• Following the introduction of the tools above, the Generous Giving Team will be able to better support churches in growing their regular giving, and in developing a culture of generosity. It is this that can lead our response to God’s call ‘Each one must give as they have decided in their heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver’ (2 Corinthians 9:7)
Step 1 – The Parish Giving Scheme
• The Parish Giving Scheme is a key tool in helping churches stabilise and develop their income stream.
• The Parish Giving Scheme is a Church of England Charitable organisation that runs a Direct Debit scheme. It is offered through the diocese at NO COST to the parish.
• Offering the giver greater flexibility, PGS is a strong alternative to standing orders, but does not need to compete with them.
• The Parish Giving Scheme offers more than standing orders: – Greater flexibility for the giver to alter their regular donation – The ability to link the giving to inflation ensuring the gift rises annually – Gift Aid is claimed automatically by PGS, relieving the Treasurer of that part of the task
• The Parish Giving Scheme results in higher average gift per person per week: – Diocesan average per person per week (£10.97), Parish Giving Scheme average per person per week (£15.95)
Step 2 – Online Giving
• Online giving offers the opportunity for people to make a one-off gift to your church at any time, from wherever they are without the need to handle cash or cheques by using the internet.
• Giving does not have to be limited to the passing of a physical plate offering one day a week – this constrains generosity.
• Research has shown that churches who implement online giving see an increase in giving.
• Giving online is more secure for everybody, no cash handling.
• No ongoing cost, just a 1.95% transaction charge. An acceptable charge as online giving is normally new giving.
Step 3 – Contactless giving
• We are carrying less cash as more and more transactions are made using contactless technology.
• It is important that our churches enable members of our congregations and visitors to give using which ever method they feel most comfortable.
• Low cost option available – There is no monthly charge for SumUp contactless card reader – Small initial outlay (£19.99) – Small transaction charge (1.1% for debit cards or 1.3% for credit cards)
• Ease of set-up, the same SumUp account is used for the card reader and for online giving.
What do I need to do?
• The first stage to growing a generous church is to make sure that the tools needed are in place.
• The effects of the Covid pandemic are likely to linger. The more you can do to help people to be generous to your church, the better shape it will be in going forward.
• Giving is, and should be, part of our discipleship. We respond to God’s generosity by being generous, we just need to tools to do it.
Where can I get help?
Contact the Generous Giving Team and they can help by:
– Meeting with your PCC to explain these tools and their benefits to your church
– Working with church officers to set up these tools
– Work with you to plan the launch of any or all of these tools
– Offering to preach on the theological basis for generosity
Generous Giving Team:
– Philip Leech – 07535 144416 –
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