An Evening of Interfaith Learning

Sparkenhoe East Deanery Synod recently welcomed special guests, in partnership with the St Philip’s Centre, to an evening of interfaith encounter at St Philip and St James Church in Ratby.

Synod members and visitors shared in round table conversations with practicing members of Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Hinduism, as well as representatives of the Dialogue Society.

Those leading the interfaith session brought objects associated with their spiritual practices and shared their significance with the gathering.

The Revd Dave Hover, Assistant Area Dean for Sparkenhoe East Deanery, said: “Conversations were fruitful and informative, with Synod members struck by points of similarity in what we believe and what it is to live as a person of faith in Leicestershire today.”

The conversations also highlighted our distinctive witness as Christians, which participants were able to share in a comfortable and open space, as well as enjoying delicious samosas and cakes - another intercultural sharing between guests and hosts.

The Deanery Synod organised this event in recognition of the growing diversity of its communities and provided representatives from each parish church an opportunity to learn from and more about people of other faiths who they are increasingly living and working alongside.

Revd Dave added: “This aim was resoundingly met, and we remain deeply grateful to those who gave up their time to share their faith experience with us, to Revd Dr Tom Wilson and the St Philip’s Centre for facilitating the event, and to the folks from Ratby who hosted.”

The St Philip’s Centre and its faith practitioners believe we can learn to live well together even in a world of division and uncertainty and work to help people encounter and understand differences.

Revd Tom, Director of the Centre, said: “I am grateful to Sparkenhoe East Deanery Synod for inviting the team from the St Philip’s Centre to join them in learning how to live well together.

“The evening provided a wonderful opportunity to develop friendships across religious differences and understand our common humanity.

“We’d be very happy to put on a similar event for other deaneries. Do get in touch, if you’re interested.”

You can contact Revd Tom on
Click here for more information about St Philip's Centre Deanery Roadshows.

First published on: 11th July 2024
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