News & Stories

The Climate Ambassadors Scheme is Recruiting Volunteers!

Do you have a passion for tackling climate change and want to help our educational settings put a climate action plan into progress?

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Eco Church Conversations

We are holding an Eco Church Conversations Day on Saturday, September 14 from 10am – 2pm, at Holy Trinity Church in Leicester. It’s open to anyone, of any age, and all denominations are welcome to come and join in the fun.

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Draft Diocesan Strategy Presented to Leaders From Across Diocese

Following a discernment morning in January, members of Diocesan Synod, Diocesan Trustees, Bishop’s Children and Youth Council, Bishop’s Council, Area Deans, Lay Chairs and the Bishop’s Leadership Team met on Wednesday 19 June to review the draft diocesan strategy, in advance of it coming to Diocesan Synod in September. 

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Creation is God’s Gift to Us to Enjoy and Steward

Decked out in rainbow colours to celebrate God’s wonderful creation, St Mary in Charnwood Church looked quite the part for its community Eco Fair held recently.

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Eco Bronze Award as the Diocese Goes Green

The Diocese of Leicester has been awarded Bronze Eco Diocese status in recognition of our efforts to care for the earth and demonstrate Christian hope for God’s world

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Church Hill Junior School Receives ‘Global Neighbour’ Award from Christian Aid

Pupils at Church Hill have been presented with a Bronze Award from Christian Aid’s Global Neighbours Scheme, in recognition of its initiatives to encourage children to think of others throughout the world.

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Leaders from Across the Diocese Gather to Discern our Future Strategy

On Saturday 27 January, nearly a hundred leaders from across the diocese gathered for a discernment morning to shape and guide the development of our diocesan strategy.

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Exploring Calling For Everyone

Next month we are holding a diocesan vocations day, as an opportunity for people to explore their sense of calling.

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Bishop Martyn argues for UK to support climate-resilience in low-income nations

On Thursday 11 January, Bishop Martyn spoke in the House of Lords about how the Government should respond to the impact of climate change on developing nations.

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Café NO:7 Creates Eco-Conscious Coffee Brand to Support City’s Homeless

CAFÉ NO:7, which is located in St Martin’s House next to Leicester Cathedral, has created its own unique coffee brand to support One Roof Leicester - a homelessness charity, deeply rooted in Leicester.

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