Update on the Minster Community Formation Process – Autumn 2024
8th October 2024An update on the progress of the Minster Community formation process across the diocese.
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An update on the progress of the Minster Community formation process across the diocese.
Following a discernment morning in January, members of Diocesan Synod, Diocesan Trustees, Bishop’s Children and Youth Council, Bishop’s Council, Area Deans, Lay Chairs and the Bishop’s Leadership Team met on Wednesday 19 June to review the draft diocesan strategy, in advance of it coming to Diocesan Synod in September.
Bishop Martyn chats to Revd Jonathan Dowman, Oversight and Growing Faith Minister for the Launde Minster Community. Jonathan reflects upon the formation process and the joys and challenges in the first 12 months since launching the first Minster Community in the diocese.
On Saturday 27 January, nearly a hundred leaders from across the diocese gathered for a discernment morning to shape and guide the development of our diocesan strategy.
David, a worshipper at St Mary's, Nanpantan, shares his experience of the first Minster Community formation meeting
Read an update on where we are up to with the Minster Community formation process and what is coming up.
How one deanery in the diocese has found strength, support and serenity in the power of praying together across its parish lines and benefices.
Supporting the next phase of our Shaped By God Together Strategy, the diocese is delighted to announce several new national church funded appointments
We spoke to Revd Ed, Minister for the Conventional District of Hamilton, who is part of the Minster Community formation process in Pilot 3.
Claire chats to us about herself, her role and her hopes for the Shaped By God Together process.