Bishop's Chaplain Announcement

Our Bishop's Chaplain, Rev Rosie Woodall, will be leaving the diocese this summer.

Seeking to broaden her experience in different roles, Rosie will be providing some interim support to Bishop Guli as she begins leading the Diocese of Chelmsford. The role of Chaplain to the Bishop of Chelmsford has been vacant for some time and Rosie will have a key role to play as Bishop Guli begins her ministry in Essex and East London at a challenging time for the diocese.

Bishop Martyn said: "Whilst it will be a challenge to replace Rosie whose help has been invaluable to me since she joined me from Gloucester in 2017, I am glad that she will be assisting Guli in her new role as a Diocesan Bishop, when being able to depend upon an experienced Chaplain whom she already knows will be extremely helpful.

"It has been a huge blessing to have Rosie as Chaplain. She has served me and the whole diocese faithfully, with great diligence, and worked extremely hard. She has been a constant support and I thank her and God for her dedication and sacrificial service. She will go with my prayers both for her work with Guli as Interim Bishop's Chaplain and also as she continues to discern what God is calling her to next."
Rosie said: "It has been a privilege to support Bishop Martyn and I have enjoyed many aspects of my role in this diocese. I take some very special memories with me, not least the Archbishop of Canterbury's three day visit, and ordinations and confirmations, as well as meeting and working with so many different people right across the diocese - I will be sad to leave many good friends behind.

"Bishop's Chaplains usually move on after a few years. While I continue to discern what the next permanent chapter of my ministry will be, I hope I will be able to use the skills and experience I have learnt in Leicester to make a difference in supporting Bishop Guli in her first year as she meets the challenge of a new role, in a new place with new colleagues."

Bishop Guli said: “I am hugely grateful that Rosie has agreed to assist me and I very much look forward to her starting. I know she will be much missed by many people in the Diocese of Leicester."

The role of Bishop's Chaplain is varied and demanding and includes many aspects in addition to liturgical and spiritual support. These range from assisting at every diocesan service the Bishop attends and representing the Bishop at an enormous number of important meetings, to liaising with clergy and staff on their behalf, overseeing the organisation of baptism and confirmation services across the diocese, and assisting the Bishop in a wide variety of other tasks.
Arrangements will be made for a farewell to Rosie in July and we will share details once they are agreed.

The photo of Rosie is taken at Leicester Tigers' Welford Road stadium where she has often enjoyed watching rugby matches.

First published on: 12th May 2021
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