Bringing Communities Together Across Difference in Hamilton

The summer can be tricky for young families, keeping children occupied whilst parents work and filling several weeks with activities without breaking the bank.

Up and down the diocese our worshipping communities are running holiday play schemes, cafés, craft events and camps, making vital connections between church and children and offering loving service to the community.  

One of our intercultural worshipping communities - Hope Hamilton Church, which meets in its local Church of England primary school - cares deeply about bringing communities together across difference, no more so than during the summer holidays when the school gates are closed.

Bishop Martyn recently visited the church, joining the congregation in all-age worship and baptising Favour, a 17 year-old Nigerian young man, who has been part of the church for about a year.

After the service, Bishop Martyn took to the streets of Hamilton to help litter pick with members of the wider community. 

Hope Hamilton Church have always litter picked – since the worshipping community began 20 years ago – and they usually get a good turn-out.
More recently, members of the local mosque have helped out as well as others from the school, community, and Residents’ Association.

“There is a real local issue of litter so plenty of people want to help,” explains Revd Ed Down, Minister for Hope Hamilton. “One of our values is Service - we live out God’s justice, compassion, and care for all creation - and litter picks are a way we express this.”

Hamilton is an incredibly diverse community - the primary school has 24 languages spoken amongst its families - and as a growing intercultural worshipping community, the church’s vision is: ‘all ages, all cultures, living together in Jesus’.  

Revd Ed says: “Events like our regular litter picks and holiday cafe and craft activities are intentionally about serving our community and bringing people together across different backgrounds.

“Recently, we have started a positive relationship with a new mosque and have had opportunities to welcome Muslim families into our church / school building for free holiday craft activities.

“We know holidays can be tricky for young families so want to provide space and time for children to have fun and for parents to build relationships beyond the school gate.”

First published on: 31st July 2024
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