Cathedral Girls' Choir Celebrates 50 Years

This month marks 50 years since Leicester Cathedral Girls' Choir was established, becoming the first Church of England Cathedral to establish a female top line independent of the boys.
To celebrate this historic anniversary, the Cathedral held two special events during the weekend of 14 and 15 September.

A Saturday night concert, ‘O Sons and Daughters, Let us Sing’, was hosted by Classic FM presenter and former Leicester Cathedral chorister Katie Breathwick, and brought together Cathedral choir members past and present to sing a range of pieces from the Choir’s last half a century.

An Evensong on the Sunday included a new anthem, commissioned for the occasion, from the acclaimed composer Cecilia McDowall and welcomed guest preacher Revd Dr Victoria Johnson, Dean of Chapel at St John’s College, Cambridge. 

For the many returning choristers, the weekend was especially moving. Dominic Veall, a former chorister and songman, who now works as a professional musician in London, said: “I haven’t stopped smiling after spending the weekend with old choir friends. Quite honestly, it was one of the most meaningful weekends - years of friendships, all from singing together in a cathedral choir!”

Composer, Cecilia McDowall, said: “I can’t thank you enough for a wonderful, most memorable choral Evensong yesterday! The whole occasion was just so uplifting with so many choristers there of every age in a beautifully designed service to celebrate the joy of singing.”

Geoffrey Carter, who directed the Girls’ Choir as Assistant Master of the Music when it began in 1974, was also in attendance with his wife.
The weekend was a fitting celebration of his inspired idea and of the ongoing work of the Girl's Choir, which the Cathedral continues to take great pride in.

Top photo credit: Jonathan Gregory

23rd September 2024
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