Chalking the Door

Christians around the diocese have been blessing their homes, work and places of worship with ‘holy graffiti’ in a traditional Epiphany act of celebration called ‘chalking the door’. 

From Bishop’s Lodge and Launde Abbey, to St Peter’s Church in Highfields, the formula has been etched on countless doors as a nod to the Epiphany story and a reminder of God’s guiding light, protection and eternal presence in our lives.

The letters C, M and B, represent the traditional names of the Magi – Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar – in celebration of the hospitality shown by the Holy Family, and also stand for the Latin blessing: “Christus Mansionem Benedicat”, meaning ‘may Christ bless this house’.
Completing the equation, the symbol ‘+’ repeated between the letters is the cross of Jesus and the numbers either side are the calendar year.

It’s not too late to bless your home or church.
Here’s a prayer, shared by Bishop’s Lodge, that you may like to use.

Gracious God,
as your people gathered in worship,
may we welcome friend and stranger.
As your people sent out in mission,
may we serve all as sister and brother.
At the threshold of the church,
at the threshold of the year,
bless us in our coming in and our going out,
that the light of Christ’s love may be our lode-star,
and walking in its light all the days of our life,
we may find our ourselves at home in your eternal presence,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Matt Long, diocesan Youth Engagement & Intergenerational Communities Enabler, uses the following blessing each year with his children, based on the Latin ‘Christus Mansionem Benedicat’.

In preparation, write 20 + __ + __ + __ + 25 on or above your house door. Gather at your door.

✏️ write an M and read…

We chalk our door with the letter ‘M’ for May.
We look back and say thanks to God for being with us and guiding us to this moment.
(You could share 2024 memories)
Whatever happens, we trust the promise of God’s presence.
We pray, may Christ bless our home and all who step inside or stay under our roof.

✏️ write a C and read…

We chalk our door with the letter ‘C’ for Christ.
We look around and say thanks to God for our house and stuff. Our family and friends.
(You could share ‘thank yous’)
Whatever happens, we trust the promise of Gods provision.
We pray, may Christ bless our home and all who sit around our table to share food and story.

✏️ write a B and read…

We chalk our door with the letter ‘B’ for Bless.
We look forward and say thanks to God for the unknown adventures we’ll go on in 2025.
(You could share hopes and dreams for 2024)
Whatever happens, we trust the promise of God’s purposes.
We pray, may Christ bless our homecomings and holidays; our schools and workplaces; the land beneath our feet.

13th January 2025
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