Giving Thanks For Our Safeguarding Coordinators

A service of thanksgiving was held during choral evensong at Leicester Cathedral to mark the work of all those who serve as safeguarding coordinators in the Diocese of Leicester.

Around 40 Safeguarding Coordinators and clergy gathered for the annual Safeguarding Service, where prayer and praise was offered for their vital work within our churches, schools and chaplaincies.

The service was led by the Bishop of Leicester, who reinforced the message that the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is at the heart of the Gospel, and therefore of our mission.

(Image: Leicester Cathedral, Tom Denny windows © Alex Wright)

Prayers were said by The Venerable Claire Wood, Archdeacon of Loughborough, and lifted up all those are vulnerable and in need of protection, who are hurting and whose trust has been broken, praying for the Church as a safe space for all.

During the service, our safeguarding coordinators were asked to recommit themselves to the work of caring for the most vulnerable in our churches and communities.

Adrienne Plunkett, Independent Chair of the Diocesan Safeguarding Oversight Group, also attended and joined with diocesan safeguarding staff in celebrating the work carried out by coordinators around the diocese, while marking the importance of safeguarding in all our settings.

Afterwards, the congregation enjoyed refreshments, and were warmly thanked for their work.

Rachael Spiers, Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, said: “It was great to come together with Safeguarding Coordinators from across the diocese, to give thanks for their vital work to protect children and vulnerable adults and to create safer church settings for everyone.”

First published on: 17th June 2024
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