There’s a new team of hope-filled, joy-inspiring, God-loving young adults in our diocese, and they’re out making a difference in our worshipping communities.
Introducing the Diocese of Leicester’s Ministry Experience Scheme Class of 2025…
In September, we welcomed eight new Ministry Experience Scheme (MES) participants to the Diocese of Leicester from all over the world and across the UK.
They are: Tom, Benni, Sangeetha, Paula, Paulinho, Scarlett, Nicole and Fernando.
Sam, who joined the scheme last year, has also stayed on for a second year gaining ministry experience at St Andrew’s Jarrom Street.
Tom, 21, from Leicester
Hi, I'm Tom, I'm 21 years old and from Leicester.
I’ve been in Leicester for 21 years and decided to join the MES scheme.
I'm serving at Church of the Martyrs Leicester as the general ministries participate and I'm looking forward to seeing all that God has in store for me this year.
Benni, 22,from Coventry
Was sup, I'm Benni, and I am 22 years old from Coventry.
I traversed to Leicester to do the Future Youth program.
I work at Holy Trinity Leicester as a youth worker and look forward to seeing what God has planned for me.
Sangeetha, 24, from India
Hi, I’m Sangeetha, I’m 24 years old and from India.
I moved to Leicester in September as an international student.
After starting to attend church, I got to know about MES, applied, and am now an MES participant at Martyrs Church.
I’m enjoying my time and fellowship as an MES participant and am really excited to see all that God has planned for my life!
Paula, 19, from Fulda in Germany
Hi, I'm Paula, I'm 19 years old from Fulda, Germany.
I moved to Leicester in September to do the Future Youth Program and volunteer in a church.
I'm serving at Holy Trinity Leicester working with children and youth. I enjoy learning more about the Christian faith and how people live their faith.
Paulinho, 24
Hi I’m Paulinho, I have been in Leicester for the last few years at university and have just graduated. I’m doing the MES with Holy Trinity Leicester and my specialty is youth and kid’s ministry. I would 10/10 recommended MES to a friend.
Scarlett, 22, from Northampton
Hi, I’m Scarlett, I'm 22 years old from Northampton.
I moved to Leicester in 2021 for university and am now doing the New Wine Discipleship year.
I'm serving at Holy Trinity Leicester working with the students and I’m enjoying seeing how God is growing me through this year.
Nicole, 22, from Reading
Hey, I’m Nicole. I am 22 years old and from Reading. I moved to Leicester in 2020 to study at university and then stayed to do the New Wine Discipleship year. I’m serving at Imprint Leicester running the student and creative ministry and I’m excited for what God is teaching me.
Fernando, 29, from Brazil
I'm Fernando, I'm 29 years old from Brazil.
I moved to Leicester in September to do the New Wine Discipleship year.
I'm serving at Holy Trinity Leicester as part of the worship team ministries and I'm looking forward to experiencing more of God's love.
The Church of England Ministry Experience Scheme (MES) is a programme for young adults (18s-30s) from all backgrounds, that offers space and time to test God’s calling on their lives. Following the time frame of the school year, it gives young people the chance to experience practical ministry, enrich theological understanding and further personal development, all with ongoing support from peers and supervisors.
The MES Scheme has been going for over a decade and, since it was founded in 2013, more than 900 young adults have taken part in the year-long placement programme.
The scheme gives young adults experience of ministry and is playing a key role in the Church’s drive to be younger and more diverse.
Future Youth (FY), the new strand of MES, is an opportunity for 18s-30s to spend a year growing in young people and children’s ministry through ministry placements, training and mentoring.
Each of our students are serving a placement church in the diocese, which provides a context for mission and ministry. This year, we have placements across a range of church traditions, encompassing intercultural worshipping communities, children, youth and schools work, worship teams, and creative ministry.
As part of their year-out, the group will also engage with a programme of study or vocational training. Some of our participants are completing the New Wine Discipleship Year, others a certificate in Children or Youth Ministry, following the Future Youth training, and lay ministry training.
Under the guidance of Matt Long, diocesan Youth Engagement and Intergenerational Communities Enabler, each term they come together to eat, pray, listen, and learn from one another. The group have so far enjoyed a Christmas social, being commissioned as this year’s cohort at the national Ministry Experience Scheme Conference in London, and a training day in how to handle conflict well.
The Rev Canon Nick McKee, Director of the Church of England’s Ministry Development Team, who led a short commissioning service for this year's participants, said: “The energy, boldness and humility of this group is truly inspiring and offers the Church and the communities we serve across the country, a sign of great hope for the future.
“It was a joy to be able to commission the current cohort as they dedicate a year to God.”
Speaking to participants, the Rev Helen Fraser, Head of Vocations and Deputy Director of the Church of England’s Ministry Development Team, said: “The Church of England has always had need of faithful, hope-filled, gospel-centred people to serve and to lead its worshipping communities.
“That need is particularly profound at the moment and I and others pray regularly for more people, from all different backgrounds, to discern a call to ministry – lay and ordained, in all kinds of communities.”
Matt Long shared his hopes for them, and for growing the next generation of God-lovers and leaders: “I’m so excited to see the journey God takes these young adults on throughout the year, as they discover more about who God is and who they are and get to use their God-given gifts to serve the local church,” he said. “It’s such a privilege to walk with these young adults and learn from them!”
Could your church offer a placement and give an MES student the chance to realise their calling whilst sharing their gifts with your worshiping community?
Get in touch with Matt on to find out more.
The Ministry Experience Scheme runs from early September to mid-July. Click here for more information.