Joy as Bishops confirm in Evington and Framland

Bishops Saju and Martyn each led recent confirmations services around our diocese. In Framland Deanery, 18 people were confirmed and two baptised at  St Mary’s, Harby, by Bishop Martyn. In Evington, eight people were confirmed by Bishop Saju.

These are the things said by the candidates about their everyday faith journeys:

Chloe said: "I am looking forward to being confirmed  because of all the things that Paul has explained to me, such as Jesus dying for me. my God Parents made the same choice so I am too."

Morvah said: "I want to be confirmed because God is amazing and he has done lots of amazing things for me."

Alex  said: "My passage to God is through school. I went to a Church of England school and went to church often and would often read Bible stories. Another reason was that I went to Church every Sunday and learnt about God that way."

Eleanor said: "The reason why I would like to be confirmed is that when I was baptised my parents made a promise on my behalf; but now as I am older I have decided that I would like to fulfil that promise by being confirmed."

Beth said: "The reason why I want to be confirmed is that I have always been in a Church of England school and I have been taught a lot about the Bible in lessons. My house has always been walking distance from a Church so we often went on a Sunday. It was my mum and dad’s decision to have me baptised but now I want to say what was they said on my behalf."

Sharon: "As a child and as a young adult I very rarely went to church and my knowledge of the Bible was very limited. Over the years I have always been interested in increasing my knowledge about God and the Bible, and more latterly, my husband, Martin, has helped in progressing my understanding.

"Jumping forward to 2019, I had a bad accident, and whilst not in any way undermining the care I received at Nottingham Queen's Medical Centre, of whom I have only praise, I believe that a higher being was responsible for my full recovery. God was saying that I still have work to do.

"In 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic lock down period, Martin and I started making recordings of hymns – Martin playing the music and I singing the hymns. Many of the hymns were fairly unfamiliar to me but I spent many hours practising and learning the various music so that for each weekly Zoom service we had hymns that we could use for the congregation to sing to, the aim being to try and emulate a live service in church. I have very much enjoyed this fellowship with the many and varied members of the congregations of our various villages. This fellowship and participation and learning has helped to increase my belief and trust in God over these last two years and I now frequently have my own little conversations with God. I feel I have taken those first steps of faith, and now wish to be baptised and confirmed."

Ian said: "I was baptised at St Giles Church in West Bridgford in Nottinghamshire - summer of 1974. My journey to faith was not something heavy or serious and just was a normal part of my upbringing.  I knew there was a God and a right and wrong way to behave and nobody ever suggested otherwise.  I have always felt God's presence but, apart from brief periods in my life, never felt the need for my faith to be anything more than passive and personal.  Initially my wish to be confirmed was more about my commitment to church than any particular step on a journey in faith, but the more I have reflected and learned, the more I have found a desire to really make a conscious and committed journey into faith and be truly Christian rather than simply a believer."

Verity said: "My journey to faith was gradual through childhood from attending Sunday school, Girls Brigade and a CofE school.  I always believed there was a God but in my twenties found it harder to attend church and had lots of questions around how such a powerful Lord could allow so many bad things happen in the world but I had no one to explore these questions with. Once I met Ian we both expressed to each other our beliefs and also how we would like our children to be raised with faith and we started attending church together. We enjoyed the sense of family at Stathern church and would like to continue our journey."

Graham said: "When my wife died during the pandemic I felt that my life had ended too. But I turned to the church and found solace there by speaking to somebody who made me realise that my life had meaning and purpose. At this point I became a regular churchgoer for the first time. Since then I've come to realise just how essential a relationship with Jesus and God is in my day to day existence. I regret having never been christened and I feel like an adult baptism is the next logical step in my walk with God as I continue to grow as a Christian."

In Evington:

Barbara said: "I have always considered myself to be a Christian but at times life took over and my faith was put aside. Since joining Christchurch, Thurnby Lodge I have really developed my faith and have taken part in many courses and Bible Groups. I was baptised as a baby when I wasn’t able to choose my faith but now I am and I feel that by being confirmed I am choosing to belong to God and the Church.

Kathy, who reaffirmed her confirmation vows, as she returned to church, said: "I have always had faith right from being a young girl and it has never left me, even in my darker days, if anything it has helped me as I know the Lord has carried me through it. I wouldn't be who I am today and where I am today without
my faith."

Matt said: "For me, confirmation is entangled with my discernment process to be licensed as an Associate Minister in Leicester diocese. It is both a memorial on my faith journey and an assertion to adventure with the Anglican tribe. An opportunity to remember my God-story, reaffirm my baptism and renew my commitment to seek first God’s Kingdom. A return to sender moment."

Liam said: "I want to be confirmed as Jesus has been a guiding light through all the hard times in my life and I would like to be
confirmed to show my faith."

Luke said: "Faith is important because it shows dedication to God and confessing belief in God and the progression not only in
religion but as a person. Church has surrounded me with fun, music and a change of perspective." 

Dean said: "I want to be confirmed to show my commitment to God and to be a good Christian for the rest of my life. 

Grace said: "I want to be confirmed because I want to continue the journey I am on with my faith and strengthen my relationship with God and the community. For me confirmation is a milestone on the path I have been walking on for a while and a way of connecting to my faith."

Hilary said: "Church has always been a big part of my life, and now I feel like being confirmed is my chance to choose to have faith in God. I know that confirmation is not the end point and is just another step as I am learning and growing every day."

Photo of Evington Confirmations:

Photos of the Framland confirmations:





First published on: 19th June 2022
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