The Bishops’ Lent Appeal 2025 - The Leprosy Mission

The Bishops’ Lent Appeal for 2025 is in support of The Leprosy Mission, a Christian charity who work to provide healing and hope to those affected by leprosy.

Every two minutes, someone is diagnosed with leprosy. Although it is curable, millions of people worldwide are living with the effects of the disease, from physical disability to mental health problems, poverty and discrimination.

Caring for those with leprosy is a cause close to the heart of the Bishop of Loughborough, Rt Revd Saju Muthalaly, and a cause which has historical roots in Leicestershire.

Bishop Saju recently visited the village of Burton Lazars and the site of what was an historic administrative centre for the care of leprosy across the nation.

He also stopped by St James’ Church, which is home to ‘Roger’, a carved stone leper head, and one of just a few preserved relics from this time.

Here, he was taken back to his days growing up in a leprosy hospital in Bengaluru where his mother served as a nurse and, in this video, speaks about that time and the plight of The Leprosy Mission in Sri Lanka today.

Download the introduction video

Sri Lanka

The Leprosy Mission runs projects in countries across Africa and Asia, including Nepal, Ethiopia, Sudan and Myanmar and, as a diocese, we will be raising funds specifically for their work in Sri Lanka - a beautiful country, but one which is facing the worst economic crisis in its history.

Three in ten households do not have enough food, and for families affected by leprosy life is even harder. The Leprosy Mission works to break the cycle of poverty by providing tools, plants and training to help people grow, cook and sell their own food. They also work to educate communities about the realities of leprosy and remove the stigma that can cause even greater poverty and isolation.

Share the story

Lent Appeal Video
A 5-minute video for you and your congregations explaining the work being supported by our appeal. Download | Watch now (

Your Impact
A brochure on the work of The Leprosy Mission on Sri Lanka and the impact your generosity could have. Download

Your impact

This Lent, will you help to break the cycle of leprosy and poverty in Jesus’ name?

£30 provides 20 coconut trees. Your kindness will give someone the plants they need to feed their families and sell produce.

£86 provides a family with plants, seeds and tools - everything they need to start a small-scale home garden and a build a sustainable income.

£200 will enable 100 families to learn about nutrition and how to grow good food, thanks to educational community meals and ongoing support.

Other resources:

Blank posters you can write onto for a fundraising event (e.g. a Lent Lunch.) Design1 | Design 2

Recipes from Sri Lanka that could be used for a fundraising event. Download

‘Partnering with your Primary School’ - showing ways Primary Schools can partner with The Leprosy Mission. Download

Children’s prayer booklet. Download

How to donate:

Donate online here
See other ways to give.

2nd March 2025
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