National Day of Reflection

On 23 March 2021, it’ll be one year since the first UK lockdown. Since then, many people have been bereaved, both as a result of Covid-19 and due to other causes. The restrictions we’ve all been living under have meant that many people have had to grieve without the comfort of having friends and family around them. 

Marie Curie, a charity which supports people around the event of a terminal diagnosis, has organised a National Day of Reflection to acknowledge grief and loss over the last year. The national Church of England is one of several organisations supporting it, and the Life Events team will provide some additional, bespoke resources for parishes to use if they want to join in.

There will be a minute’s silence at 12 noon on 23 March to create a moment that shows support for the millions of people who’ve been bereaved. 

Leicester Cathedral will be hosting a Memorial of Lament, a live-streamed service in the evening. Words, music and reflections, including contributions from the Lord-Lieutenant, leaders in public health, the police, volunteers, NHS staff and the bereaved with the Dean, Canons and Choir of the Cathedral. During the ceremony one candle will be lit for every life lost to Covid-19 in Leicester and Leicestershire. The service will be available to watch on the Cathedral’s social media channels.

The Church Resource Hub offers some suggestions for how your church could get invloved here.

There are also resources availabe on the Church Resource Hub including a prayer:

Dear God,
Be with us as we think about all that has changed this year,
And help us to trust that you are always with us.
Be close to us as we remember those who have died,
And help us to trust they are at peace with you.
Show us how to reach out to others with kindness and care ,
So that hope shines out in every heart and home,


God of Love,
As we think about all that has changed this year,
help us to trust that you are always with us.
As we remember those who have died,

help us to trust they are at peace with you.
As we reach out to others with kindness and care,
may hope shine out in every heart and home.



15th March 2021
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