New Diocesan Synod Meets and Talks Strategy

A meeting of the new Diocesan Synod took place on Tuesday 3 September in the Grand Hall at St Martins House.  

The gathering opened with a Eucharist service to welcome newly elected members, which included a thought-provoking sermon from Bishop Saju.

Following elections held in July 2024, more than 90% of places on Synod were filled with roughly half of these taken up by new members. Those newly in position now sit alongside continued members representing the deaneries and parishes across our entire diocese.

Bishop Martyn’s Presidential Address introduced the Diocesan Strategy, emphasising it as a process of discerning God’s will and “not simply a management exercise”.

He stressed the importance of starting with God, acknowledging human fallibility, and the need for ongoing learning, forgiveness, and grace. He also described the strategy as a “living document” that must adapt to a rapidly changing world, with census data showing a decline in those identifying as Christian.

Encouraging the diocese to discern how God is calling the church to respond to the contemporary context, Bishop Martyn highlighted the challenges of the changing religious landscape, noting that the Diocese of Leicester is now in a “missionary” context requiring a fresh approach.

He also outlined our diocesan five strategic priorities, with each parish needing to reflect on how to engage.
You can read Bishop Martyn’s full address here.

During the meeting, Synod members engaged in small group discussions about the Diocesan Strategy and went on to vote in favour of adopting the Strategy by a substantial majority, further details of which will be communicated in the coming weeks.

A fuller summary of the Synod meeting will be made available soon.

9th September 2024
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