New ways of being 'JIF'

Just because we have been told to distance ourselves from each other, it doesn’t mean that Bible Study or Fellowship has to stop.
The diocese’s Journey in Faith [JIF] course meets weekly and has just started its third and final term studying the Development of the Christian Doctrine. Usually meeting in venues across Leicestershire, the groups have now moved to an online conferencing facility in order to continue the course.
Their first foray into the online world went well, with the group discussing the timeline of the new testament and placements of the Gospel. The group then moved onto looking at various people in Acts whom the Holy Spirit worked through, like Stephen, Peter, Saul, Barnabas to name a few. You can find out more about the JIF course, which runs every September-June, by clicking here.
Lots of homegroups, Lent Courses and life groups around the diocese have been continuing to meet using online technology, realising that it’s important during this extraordinary time to stay connected.

25th March 2020
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