Raising essential funds for our linked diocese in Tanzania

The Dioceses of Leicester and Kiteto in Tanzania have been linked since 1982.

Healthcare in Tanzania, one of the poorest countries in the world, is a huge challenge. As a result eye care can be difficult to deliver and this has led to a high rate of sight loss.  At the same time, many of the conditions that lead to sight loss are preventable and cheap to treat.

The Diocese of Kiteto is helping to tackle this problem by running a clinic in Kibaya to treat sight problems. Having successfully run this clinic for many years they are in need of additional funding to expand their work and replace vital staff that are coming up to retirement.

The Diocesan Tanzanian Link Committee are aiming to raise £7,500 for the eye clinic. This will pay for staff wages for one year, new equipment,  the completion of staff housing and transportation for the clinic's outreach work.

Pictured is Sister Sara conducting a community outreach education session in a village called Kazi Ngumu (which means Hard Work) on preventing & treating trachoma, a common infection that causes blindness by damaging the eyelids. This is just one example of the important work that a gift to this appeal could enable to happen.  

Please give as generously as you are able to prevent sight loss in Tanzania, through this link.


20th August 2020
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