SoundCafe celebrates project with powerful short film

SoundCafe celebrated the culmination of a three year project with powerful short. film called 'Speaking of Homelessness'.

Funded by Arts Council England, the invitation-only premiere took place at the King Power stadium's Community Hub. The project has fostered the creative development of SoundCafe guests, who are people that are homeless or socially vulnerable due to their housing conditions. They have shared their lived experience of homelessness with the support of a professional dramatist.

Speaking of Homelessness has addressed the limited opportunities available to people who are homeless to participate in the arts by allowing them to develop the film, write and act in the artistic films. The film is a collection of stories that raise awareness of the challenges of being homeless or vulnerably housed and what it is to be on the edge of society and ignored. The process has empowered the participants and enabled the voices of those on the fringes of society to be heard, as well as providing a learning experience for everyone involved - volunteers and staff alike.

This and several other films are available for interested organisations to download from the SoundCafe website.
They will also be shared with schools from September 2022 through the Leicester Diocesan Board
of Education.

SoundCafe’s Director, Rachel Griffiths, said: ‘I am absolutely delighted with the films
produced and what this means to the guests. To be able to raise awareness of the true
experiences of homelessness through the sharing of personal stories is extremely powerful and
the film is incredibly moving.’

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26th July 2022
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