South Asian Heritage Month

Next week sees the start of South Asian Heritage Month (18 July to 17 August) – a time in the calendar when we, as Christians, are invited to celebrate and learn more about the heritage of people with roots in South Asia, including the counties of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives.


As a diocese, we are made up of many people from a diverse range of geographic, cultural, religious, and ethnic backgrounds.

Jessie Tang, Intercultural Ministry Director in the Diocese of Leicester, says: “In Leicester, one of the largest minority ethnic groups are from South Asia, with a number of our worshipping communities and churches made up of people from these groups. Regardless of the diversity of your community, marking a month like this helps us to recognise the global nature of our faith, and pray for diaspora groups.”

Our Intercultural Worshipping Communities team have produced a video featuring South Asian Christians from our diocese, including Bishop Saju, which can be shown in your services during this heritage month:

The Evangelical Alliance have written an article with some simple ideas for how to mark South Asian Heritage Month in our churches. They include:

  • Sermons – explore themes relevant to South Asian culture, such as hospitality and family, and invite guest speakers from the South Asian community.
  • Host a cultural event – encourage the performance of traditional singing or dancing.
  • South Asian worship – integrate prayer and worship in South Asian languages or styles.
  • Food – enjoy South Asian food together.
  • Cultural exchange – share testimonies and stories connected to South Asian culture

Read the full Evangelical Alliance article here.

Find more information about South Asian Heritage Month here.

First published on: 5th July 2024
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