Stand for Election for Diocesan Synod

Do you want to help shape the future of the Diocese of Leicester?

We are looking for new people to join the Diocesan Synod - a decision-making forum which meets two or three times a year to discuss and vote on key issues within the Diocese, the Church of England, and our communities.

The Diocesan Synod is an important way in which our parishes have a say in shaping the future of our diocese and supporting the flourishing of our mission and ministry.

We want Synod to be:

  • A prayerful and discerning community, listening to God and one another
  • Committed to mission, supporting growth in the number of disciples, the depth of discipleship and loving service of the world in the Diocese
  • A forum for healthy discussion, living out our calling as Christians to love one another even amidst our differences
  • A reflection of the diversity of our communities

How to stand for election

A new Synod will be elected this summer. You can stand for election if you are nominated by two members of your Deanery Synod before 14 June and are:

  • A priest or deacon who is a member of a deanery synod.
  • A lay person who is 16 or older, is on the electoral roll of a parish, and attends church services reasonably regularly. Lay people do not have to be a current member of your Deanery Synod to be eligible to stand for the Diocesan Synod.

Clergy have to be nominated and seconded by clergy; and laity nominated and seconded by lay people.

Nomination forms will be sent to Deanery Synod members and are available from Andy Brockbank (

If there are no more nominations than places to be elected, those nominated will be automatically elected.

If there are more nominees than places, it will go to a vote of Deanery Synod members, with Area Deans acting as Presiding Officers for the laity elections in their deanery and Lay Chairs for the clergy elections. The vote would take place between 19 June and 10 July.

For more information, please contact Andy Brockbank.

What is Diocesan Synod?

The Diocesan Synod is the primary governing body of the Diocese. It meets two or three times a year and is composed of three 'Houses': Bishops, Clergy and Laity. The Diocesan Synod considers matters sent to it from General Synod and from deaneries; and the Diocesan Bishop has a duty to consult the Diocesan Synod on matters of general concern and importance to the Diocese. This means Diocesan Synod is involved in:

  • Considering matters concerning the Church of England to make provision for these matters in relation to the Diocese of Leicester
  • Considering and expressing an opinion on any matters referred to it by the General Synod
  • Considering and expressing an opinion on other matters of religious or public interest
  • Considering the proposals for the annual budget for the Diocese and to approve or dissapprove them
  • Considering the annual accounts of the Diocesan Board of Finance
First published on: 8th May 2024
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