Statement by the Bishops of Leicester and Loughborough about annexation of land in the West Bank

We write in response to the announcement by the state of Israel of the current coalition government’s intention to unilaterally annex West Bank land and following a letter from the Archbishops of Canterbury and Westminster to the Prime Minister. The  patriarchs and heads of local churches in Jerusalem issued a statement on May 7th, which said that if this annexation were to take place, it would “bring about the loss of any remaining hope for the success of the peace process.” We join with our Christian brothers and sisters in Jerusalem, the United Kingdom and around the world in endorsing their appeal that

  • The government of the state of Israel refrain from any unilateral moves to annex land.
  • The United States of America, the Russian Federation, the European Union, the British Government and the United Nations take urgent action to promote a fair, just and realistic, time-limited peace process.
  • The Palestinian Liberation Organisation resolve their internal disputes and disputes with other factions not under their umbrella to present a united front dedicated to achieving a peace in which all can flourish.


As Bishops in the Diocese of Leicester we are not only concerned for the welfare and wellbeing of all people in the Holy Land, but also for the welfare and wellbeing of all those who live in Leicestershire. Sadly, conflicts overseas can lead to conflicts locally, and we appeal to our Christian, Jewish and Muslim sisters and brothers to work with us in ensuring we continue to support and care for each other in these difficult times. We recognise there are many views on this conflict but ask that we may continue to share our concerns with one another rooted in a desire that we learn to live well together.


12th June 2020
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