Sunny Confirmations

This Sunday saw confirmations take place in the sunshine at St Thomas Beckett, Tugby and St Peter’s, Ashby Parva. 

In the morning Bishop Martyn confirmed Derek Stone at the first confirmation service at St Peter's in living memory. It was a joyful service during which Bishop Martyn preached from John 10: 22-30 about hearing God’s voice, knowing God’s voice and then following as a disciple.

During the afternoon’s service at St Thomas Beckett William Voss, Olivia Jackson, Flora Weir, Tiggy Malheiro & Max Williams were all confirmed by Bishop Martyn. 

Derek alongside Bishop Martyn, Sister Liz and his sponsor Ann

Bishop Martyn with the confirmation candidates and Jayne Lewis & Jonathan Dowman who were both involved in preparing them.

9th May 2022
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