The Extraordinary Blessing of the Christian Resources Bookshop

A service of evening prayer to mark the closure of the Christians Resources Bookshop and give thanks for its contribution to God’s ministry in the diocese, was held on Tuesday (3 September) in Leicester Cathedral.

Around 130 people attended the worship, which rang out the history of the diocesan-based book shop and celebrated particularly its manager, Janette Sturgis, for which the curation and mission of providing Christian literature for people has been her life’s work during 34 years of service.

Trustees have reluctantly taken the decision to close the shop due to the size of the diocesan deficit and the need to make St Martins House more profitable.

Bishop Martyn opened with a few words, describing the service as a ‘bittersweet event’ and saying:

“Primarily we are here to worship God and to give thanks for the extraordinary blessing that the Christian Resources bookshop has been. Yet, at the same time, we are here to mourn the closure of the bookshop.

“…I want to express simply, yet with deep sincerity, my gratitude to Janette for her ministry in the bookshop. I know that this has been your life’s work, and it has not simply been about supplying resources to parishes, but it has been a ministry of pastoral care, listening to people, offering words of encouragement and recommendations of books to read which will take people deeper in their faith. Thank you for all you have given.”

He also went on to thank Abbie Allen, and others who have worked in the shop over the years and shared in this pastoral ministry. And those who were involved in starting the shop – moving it from its origins as the SPCK bookshop in town, to its home in St Martins House – including Cynthia and her husband Peter Hebden, and David Whittington.

He added: “So many people have invested time and energy in the shop, and we give thanks to God for your ministry. And its loss grieves us all deeply. So, we bring our varied emotions to God in prayer.”

The congregation was full of friends and colleagues, staff members past and present, alongside loyal customers whose connections with Janette have enabled them to grow in faith and fellowship over the years. 

The cathedral choir sang during the moving service, described as ‘the perfect curation of music, worship and word’. 

Janette also shared a personal reflection, detailing her journey, calling and the history of the shop, with the gentle humour and humility we have come to know and love her for.

She began: “It was tempting to start my thoughts by singing, ‘And now the end is near and so I face the final curtain’! But we have never sought to do the ministry of the shop ‘my way’, always God’s way.
"Instead, we have just heard these words from the Magnificat:

‘My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my saviour; he has looked with favour on His lowly servant.’

“I have chosen these words to introduce my thoughts on the bookshop, because it is a remarkable story of God’s favour and blessing and I want to give Him the glory. And, we go out not with a whimper but with thanksgiving for; the ministry it has been, and His faithfulness to his lowly servants.”

Recounting her 34-year journey, from a reluctant, newly trained teacher to finding her calling in the ministry of Christian Resources, Janette shared fond memories of staff and customers, noting the positive impact the shop has had on many lives and in its service resourcing the whole diocese.

She talked of numerous opportunities for ministry within the shop, including comforting customers and guiding new Christians, and expressed gratitude for the support she has received in more recent months from customers, cathedral friends and colleagues.

Janette also shared how her faith has grown and deepened through her work and emphasised the importance of holding lament and rejoicing together, with hope for the future.

She added: “My prayer for myself and all the others who have expressed their dismay at the closing of the shop, is that we journey towards forgiveness, acceptance and hope allowing our faith to be strengthened.

“…Over the years the shop has held Psalm 90 at its heart:
May the favour of the Lord our God rest on us: establish the work of our hands for us. Yes, establish the work of our hands.
“The more observant among you who have visited the shop lately will see part of Psalm 31 displayed:
14 But I am trusting you, O Lord,
saying, “You are my God!”
15 My future is in your hands.

“Thank you all for coming to mark this ending... Thank you for your love and support, I will miss you all. Do please hold Abbie and I in your prayers as we seek to trust God, name Him as our God and place our futures in His hands.
"Thank you! And thank you God!”

You can read Janette’s reflection in full here.

Christians Resources will close its doors on Wednesday 25 September.

9th September 2024
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