Uplifting Messy Nativity takes over a local farm

There was great joy at Boundary Farm on Sunday 12 December as a Messy Nativity took place! The team at Broughton Astley and Croft with Stoney Stanton have been working hard to maintain their work with children over the past months and they were excited to see this pay off, with so many families and people of all ages joining the event. From the Dad who was a good sport and played Joseph, to the small children who took part in the crafts and dressing up, a wonderful time was had by all. It was described by one of our church wardens as “a triumph... The event was so heart-warming and uplifting” another visitor to the farm described it as “magical”.

St Michael’s at Stoney Stanton has held a nativity since 2010, when the Junior Church group would perform as part of the Communion service. In 2017, they were invited to the farm  - and the congregation were treated to a nativity in the snow that year, which they feared may be hard to top! With the development of Messy Church, the service evolved again, and this year the team incorporated crafts, refreshments and the opportunity to explore some of the farm and meet the residents as well as the nativity from scratch. The team hope to continue to build on this in the future, using their links to the Manorfield C of E Primary School and also the village community Facebook page to reach a wider audience and bring more families into our activities.

First published on: 20th December 2021
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