News & Stories

Bishop Martyn's latest blog

17th February 2020

Extinction or rebellion? Young people and the church. Following debates and votes last week at General Synod (February 2020), Bishop Martyn published his latest blog post..

Bishops' Lent Appeal to raise funds for Cook and Eat Hubs

10th February 2020

Our Bishops have chosen the Together Leicester Cook and Eat project for this year's Lent Appeal

Double Celebrations at VALL Awards

11th November 2019

Two of our diocesan fresh expressions of Church, SoundCafe and The Well, scooped first place at the inaugural Voluntary Action Leicester & Leicestershire (VALL) awards ceremony.

Homelessness Charter 'Give Leicester' scheme creates contactless donation points

24th October 2019

A scheme is being launched to provide 16 contactless donation points across the city for members of the public to give £3 a time to the One Roof Leicester night shelter to help rough sleepers

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