News & Stories

Journey in Faith Course Completed in Hinckley

10th July 2023

The Journey in Faith course (JiF) has come to an end at St Mary’s Church in Hinckley, with members gathering for their final session recently

Hinckley JIF.jpg

Making 'Growing Faith' Ministry a Priority

3rd July 2023

Revd Monica Judson has been licensed in the role of Growing Faith Minister in the East Vale of Belvoir


Celebrating Ordinations 2023

3rd July 2023

Ordinations in the Diocese of Leicester took place this weekend in two joyful services across our parish churches

Prayers for Ordination 2023

15th June 2023

Please pray for all those to be ordained, and especially those to be ordained in the Diocese of Leicester this Petertide

Touching Heaven

9th June 2023

A rural parish's peaceful and prophetic space in which to praise God

Kindling: Good Conversation for Pioneers

22nd May 2023

A wonderful and creative afternoon was had at the ‘Kindling: Good Conversation for Pioneers’ event at Launde Abbey

Called Together - A Celebration of Lay Ministry

22nd May 2023

The church was packed to the rafters for the annual Called Together Service giving thanks for lay ministers across the diocese

People gather for a Leading Worship for Everyone workshop

24th April 2023

This Saturday saw the first of a series of Everyday Faith workshops being run within the diocese. Twenty people gathered from across a range of churches in the diocese to attend the first of these sessions  Leading Worship for Everyone.  

New Rural Mission Hub at Launde Abbey

3rd April 2023

Learning and support to those in rural ministry across the Diocese of Leicester, the East Midlands and East Anglia

'Everyday Calling' in the diocese

13th February 2023

Glimpses of glory were shared at our annual vocations day

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