News & Stories

Bishop Martyn supports new association of children's, youth and families ministers

5th July 2022

'Paraklesis' is part of a new charitable umbrella body for supporting all those in lay ministry.

Prior of our Community of the Tree of Life to take up a new ministry

27th June 2022

Rachel Bennetts will move to Cornwall to develop a ministry of hospitality in retreats and spiritual direction.

Committing to Shared Ministry and Growing Faith in rural Leicestershire

9th May 2022

A special service was held to welcome Revd Canon Jonathan Dowman in a new role that commits to shared ministry and Growing Faith

Intergenerational worship at St Paul's 'All Together' services

11th April 2022

As we seek to be more ‘intergenerational' in our worshiping communities, churches around the diocese are experimenting with new and creative ways to explore everyday faith together among all ages. One such church is St Paul's in Oadby who, as an Intercultural Worshiping Community, is on a journey of discovery, growing together in diversity across its many forms.

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