News & Stories

Laura's Everyday Action - Baby Basics

As Christians we are called to serve our community and love our neighbour, but that calling was so strong for Laura, she had vulnerable families in our diocese on her heart before she had even moved to Leicester.

Training for Church-Community Cook and Eat Hubs Finally Begins

After delays due to the pandemic, the first training sessions have begun

Plant, Grow, Live at The Growing Hub in Thurnby Lodge

Cauliflowers fluffy and cabbages green, strawberries and runner beans as tall as we've seen… The Growing Hub in Thurnby Lodge is taking tasty shape around the Christchurch building and it's an exciting prospect for both the church and its community.

CLLAMS urge local Christians to write to their MP in response to the proposed New Plan for Immigration

Christians in Leicester & Leicestershire Against Modern Slavery (CLLAMS) is sending a letter to the Home Office in response to the proposed New Plan for Immigration – and is encouraging churches in the diocese to send their responses directly to the Home Office too, as well as encouraging individual congregants to contact their local MP about it.

Fairtrade Fortnight begins

Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 22 February – 7 March. Find out more about this year's fortnight here.

Christians in Leicester and Leicestershire Against Modern Slavery

Christians in Leicester and Leicestershire Against Modern Slavery are a group who long to see modern day slavery eradicated from our communities. The group is formed of Christians from the locality who come from a cross section of Christian and professional backgrounds. Read more about them here.

Give Leicester's contactless fundraising campaign to raise money for Covid-secure accommodation this winter

Give Leicester is now raising money to provide Covid-secure accommodation throughout the winter.

Miles for Refugees

Throughout September, people across the country walked, ran, cycled, and even skateboarded, to raise money for the Red Cross Miles for Refugees appeal. Here in the Diocese of Leicester, Rachael and Deb from Loughborough, clocked up more than 130 miles between them as they walked and ran to support refugees, people seeking asylum and vulnerable migrants in the UK.

Everyday Action brings a town together over the summer

Over the past few years St Simon and St Jude's have been called to provide something for the families in their area. This year things had to look a little different... So they took ideas from previous ventures that had gone well and combined the breakfast and lunch offering with crafts and packed them in takeaway bags so that families could prepare the meals and craft activities at home.

Virtual worship resources for our everyday witness and loving service

A series of video shorts have been produced by members of the diocesan Social Responsibility Panel, covering a wide range of areas of everyday action and loving service.  Some of these areas of social concern have been heightened during the pandemic and so these video shorts might help to stimulate thinking, discussion and action.

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