News & Stories

Bishop Martyn’s Leicestershire Lent Pilgrimage of Prayer

Walking around the diocese at weekends in the run up to Easter 2023, he will visit many of the churches he has not yet been able to and encourage people in prayer.

Bishop Martyn's address at the Justice Service

The Bishop of Leicester says we must all be public about our commitments and values so that we can have genuine debate about the common good.

Dean David appointed as new Dean of Canterbury

Her Late Majesty The Queen approved the nomination of The Very Revd Dr David Monteith, Dean of Leicester, for election as Dean of Canterbury.

Survivors and victims contribute to Past Cases Review 2 Reports

Bishop Martyn shares a video message as we publish our local PCR2 Report and Action Plan

Visit from our link diocese Trichy, India

Last month we were delighted to host visitors here in the city and county

Bishop Martyn joins prayer vigil

People came to pray for unity, reconciliation, harmony and peace among our communities in Leicester.

Bishops express thanks & ongoing support for our worshipping communities

As the period of national mourning ends, Bishop Martyn thanks our churches and worshipping communities for all their efforts, promises ongoing support and shares sermon notes from two of the civic services

Bishop quotes the Queen's encouragement to work for unity at special service

Civic dignitaries and Cadets and guests from other faiths took part in this moving service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving for The Queen.

Bishops continue supporting churches across city & county

Bishops Martyn and Saju have been helping support churches, including those in vacancy where visiting clergy are needed to continue services for local communities

Seats available at Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving

On the eve of the state funeral, people of all faiths and none are invited to attend Leicestershire’s Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

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