Pamela's Everyday Witness 

Before Lockdown Pamela used to love going to a nearby monastery. She would sit quietly, write prayers, listen to God and write down what she felt He was saying to her.

However the pandemic put a stop to her visits, as well as her volunteering job in the NHS. These frustrations haven’t stopped Pamela from sharing her faith with her friends.

The day before the threatened lockdown day she saw a box of Easter cards in the Post Office and decided to buy the whole box. She then composed a letter to send to 22 of her relatives telling them how to accept Jesus as their Saviour.

She also began a practice of telephoning friends when their name popped into her head, to ask how they were and if she could send them some articles. She sent them all a ‘Thinking of You’ card with a suitable article or two from a Christian magazine. She kept a record of who she was writing to and called it her Lockdown Ministry.

In May she had been booked to speak at two Mothers’ Union groups, which had to be cancelled. One of the talks was titled “Taking It for Granted” and so, determined not to let the opportunity pass, she sent each member who would have attended a copy of the talk along with a  bookmark with a Bible verse which she had made. She also, for good measure, included a prayer and some words about how to accept Jesus (just in case anyone hadn’t already done so!) and off went another 42 letters.

The talk, was also sent to a few more friends along with an appropriate article. Pamela reports that “it has been an extraordinary few months and I am still writing to friends sending cards and articles. It is a bit like dropping a pebble into a pond and watching the ripples spread out, or blowing a dandelion ‘clock’ and watching to seeds blow far away.”

One of her favourite scriptures refers to a character called Jabez who is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 4 v 9 10. “Jabez called  out to the God of Israel ‘Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain’. It’s a prayer that Pamela has made her own, and encourages others to pray for themselves.

“Pray this prayer and you will be amazed at how your borders can  expand – even in lockdown!” says Pamela, before adding “we do not have to have a plan, God has the blueprint, and all we have to do is take the first shaky steps. Isaiah 35 v 3 can encourage us “Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way.” The only thing needed on your CV is “willing servant”.When we offer our little, He will increase it. Offer whatever you are good at, baking cakes, being a listening ear, knitting, painting, shopping for someone or potting plants for friends.  I don’t have a university degree, I am just me, and be encouraged that God can use ‘Just you’.”







25th January 2021
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