News & Stories

Churches in the NWL work in partnership to support Ukranian refugee guests

Churches in the North West Leicestershire deanery are pulling together in partnership to support Ukranian refugee guests and their host families within their community. 

Emma's faithful journey to baptism

St Peter's Church in Oadby celebrated its first full immersion baptism service recently, welcoming Emma, Barry and Ella into the family of God.

Bishops continue supporting churches across city & county

Bishops Martyn and Saju have been helping support churches, including those in vacancy where visiting clergy are needed to continue services for local communities

Post-festival buzz

The summer may be fading, but there’s a post-festival buzz still wafting around the diocese. The biggest noise is coming from those who spent a recent bank holiday weekend at Greenbelt. But there have, of course, been other Christian festivals making their mark on our worshipping communities this year.  We took to social media, to find out just what you’ve been saying…  

Launch of St Morrell’s Round by the Bishop of Leicester

An historic pilgrimage site is being revived with a new pilgrim route in rural Leicestershire.

Loughborough church hosts service for vow to the Single Consecrated Life

This was only the second service of its kind in the diocese

An arty pilgrimage as ‘Hayley Draws Churches’

‘Hayley Draws Churches’ is taking social media by storm here in the Diocese of Leicester and capturing attention even further afield. We caught up with artist, Hayley Fern, who is on a mission to draw every one of our 310 parish churches, as an expression of her everyday faith and calling…  

How Christian's faith and family inspired him to be part of a new play at Curve

There’s a play called ‘Ruka’ opening at the Curve theatre in Leicester this weekend, marking the 50th anniversary of the Ugandan Asian exodus. Friend of the diocese and local actor, Christian Obokoh, plays a guide in the drama. We spent a little time talking to him about ‘Ruka’ and how his faith and own family’s journey has inspired him to help tell the Uganda 50 story…

Sunny Confirmations

This Sunday saw confirmations take place in the sunshine

Bishop Saju getting to know the diocese

The new Bishop of Loughborough as been getting to the know diocese as he travels around listening to our worshipping communities as well as local community and other faiths groups.

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