News & Stories

St Botolph's Library supporting local people's Everyday Faith

A church in Shepshed has seen a project to create a community library in its building finally come to fruition, after more than 18 months in the making. A team of like-minded church members and an ordinand helped bring the library to life at St Botolph's Church, with the support and inspiration from the wider community in the Charnwood town.

Pilgrim Walks in the Upper Wreake

Members of the community across the Upper Wreake Benefice recently enjoyed a prayerful week of pilgrim walks, taking in the beautiful, rural landscape and reflecting on where God was at work in their villages and the wider diocese. The four walks each covered between two and five miles and took place among the parishes of Frisby, Hoby, Rotherby, Ragdale, Kirby Bellars and Brooksby.

Prayer quilt has been made to commemorating the coming together of the community during the pandemic

Bishop Martyn unveiled the quilt at a special service at a church in Castle Donington

Journey in Faith

We are now taking bookings for the 2021/22 academic year. Find out more, download our new leaflet and learn more about the course here.

Bishop Martyn's Anglican Discipleship book launches new Grove series

The new book is available in paperback from Christian Resources book shop

Thy Kingdom Come 2021

This week marks the beginning of Thy Kingdom Come, an annual, global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension through to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.

#EverydayPrayer breakfast online

Women from the Cornerstone Team of churches and the wider community came together in faith and fellowship over an online prayer breakfast recently. It was a time to gather and chat, read the Bible, worship together and pray. Around 45 ladies attended the ‘zoom' session, from St Luke's church in Thurnby, St Catherine's Church in Houghton on the Hill and St Mary's and All Saints in Stoughton.

The Difference Course

At a time when important, but often difficult, conversations are being held within the Church of England, Christians across the diocese are being encouraged to engage with the reconciliation ministry course, Difference. The course explores what it means to follow Jesus in the face of conflict and see transformation through everyday encounters.

Lockdown Lent

Another Lent in lockdown hasn't stopped our worshipping communities around the diocese from journeying in faith together. From courses over zoom and daily reflections, to virtual prayer walks and quiz show style challenges, you've been connecting with God – and each other - in ways you might never have imagined.

Hands on prayers for your daily walk

The Community of the Tree of Life in partnership with Glenwood Youth and The Not Yet Now have created an all age friendly set of practical prayers that can be done during half term and beyond

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